I have this html page in the same directory as the ilookpano.zip file as well as the int.caddy.jpg, why is it not working? I would be most gratefull if some one can help.
I found this applet on someone else's site and just downloaded the .zip file which has all the code in and the .jpg.
Why is this not able to work:
<applet name="ilookpano" code="ilookpano.class" codebase="" mayscript="true" width="390" height="264" archive="">
<param name="initialview" value="358.70, 0.00, 0.63">
<param name="filename" value="int.caddy.jpg">
<param name="splash" value="int.splash.gif">
<param name="toolbar" value="360viewtoolbar.gif">
<param name="backgroundcolor" value="FFFFFF">
<param name="progressfillcolor" value="003366">