I recently searched google for a code snippet for creating a ftp uploader and i found this code->

Dim ftp As New Chilkat.Ftp2()

Dim success As Boolean

'  Any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days.
success = ftp.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial")
If (success <> true) Then
    Exit Sub
End If

ftp.Hostname = "ftp.chilkatsoft.com"
ftp.Username = "****"
ftp.Password = "****"

'  The default data transfer mode is "Active" as opposed to "Passive".

'  Connect and login to the FTP server.
success = ftp.Connect()
If (success <> true) Then
    Exit Sub
End If

'  Change to the remote directory where the file will be uploaded.
success = ftp.ChangeRemoteDir("junk")
If (success <> true) Then
    Exit Sub
End If

'  Upload a file.
Dim localFilename As String
localFilename = "hamlet.xml"
Dim remoteFilename As String
remoteFilename = "hamlet.xml"

success = ftp.PutFile(localFilename,remoteFilename)
If (success <> true) Then
    Exit Sub
End If


MsgBox("File Uploaded!")

i paste it into the code section for my button, and i get an error with "Dim ftp As New Chilkat.Ftp2()" does anyone know what to do? if you dont you can always give me some other code to ftp upload a file ;)

Did you install Chilkat and reference ChilkatDotNet.dll?

ive got chilkat installed but how do you reference chilkatdotnet.dll

Thanks for that, lol i didnt think it would be that simple

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