Hi, I'm using a program called FunEditor which compiles in C++. I doubt many people have heard of this program, but if you have, I would appreciate the help.
I'm working on creating a Mario-style platformer game, and am trying to make a function where if the Player collides with a mushroom and presses Space, then the player goes to the "picking" animation, and the mushroom does its own animation. Then, after the player's animation is over, it goes back to the "idle" animation. Also, once the mushroom's animation is over, it will delete.
Here is the code I'm using:
Sprite* Player=This->CollisionWithSpritePtr("Player");
if (This->CollisionWithSprite("Player")) && if (Player* ->Animation(PLYR_MUSHROOM));
if (This->CollisionWithSprite("Mushroom")) && if (pKeyboard->IsPressed(DIK_SPACE));
And the build errors I'm getting are:
Module Line Error Description
Object Functions / MushroomFN 2 Expression syntax in function MushroomFN[Sprite *]
Object Functions / MushroomFN 3 Undefined symbol 'MUSHROOM_END' in function MushroomFN[Sprite *]
Object Functions / MushroomGetFN 1 Expression syntax in function MushroomFN[Sprite *]
By the way, the first code is MushroomFN, and the second is MushroomGetFN.
Please help!