Here's a funny program that simulates the matrix...waaay off topic...
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
const int NotUsed=system("color 02");
int main()
int n;
double time;
char matrixwords[]=" aijk FGHIJKlmnopqrs ABCDtuvELMNO PQRS bcde fghTUVWXYwxyzZ";
char matrix[]="01001100100101011110";
for(int o=1; o<=70; o++)
cout << "/";
cout << "\n\n\t\t\tThe Matrix\n\n";
for(int o=1; o<=70; o++)
cout << "/";
cout << "\n\n\tEnter Matrix ID: (KB's of Data) ::==:: ";
cin >> n;
for(double t=-1000; t<=1000000; t++);
cout << "\n\n\tLoading Matrix Engine.";
for(double t=0; t<=5; t++)
for(double u=-10000; u<=10000000; u++);
cout << " . ";
cout << "\n\n\t\tYou waited " << time << " seconds for the matrix to generate\n\n\t";
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=60; j++)
if((j%2==0) || (j%5==0) || (j%13==0))
int ran( rand()%21 );
cout << matrix[ran];
else if(j%3==0)
int ran( rand()%66 );
cout << matrixwords[ran];
else if(j%7==0)
int ran( rand()%66 );
cout << matrixwords[ran];
int ran( rand()%66 );
cout << matrixwords[ran];
cout << "\n\t";
cout << "\n\n\tTotal Time Taken for the Matrix to Run: " << time << " s\n\n\t";
return 0;
programmed in c++.. kinda dumb..but still