Here's my problem. I'm writing a program that has the user input a string. That string is then compared to the values in a string array within a class.

Here's a sample of what I'm trying to do (sorry about the spacing. I use tabs, not spaces):
This is my header file:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// class info
class dayOfTheWeek
	void setDay();
	string getDay() const;
	void printDay() const;
	void plusOneDay();
	void minusOneDay();
	void addDays();
	string dayName[7];
	int dayNum;

// class implementation
dayOfTheWeek::dayOfTheWeek() // constructor
	// init attributes
	dayName[0] = "Sun";
	dayName[1] = "Mon";
	dayName[2] = "Tues";
	dayName[3] = "Wed";
	dayName[4] = "Thurs";
	dayName[5] = "Fri";
	dayName[6] = "Sat";
	dayNum = 0;
} // end constructor

string dayOfTheWeek::getDay() const
	// get the name of the day of the week, and send it back to the calling method
	return dayName[dayNum];
} // end getDay() method

void dayOfTheWeek::printDay() const
	// show the user the name of the day of the week
	cout << "The day of the week is " << getDay() << endl << endl;
} // end printDay() method

void dayOfTheWeek::setDay()
	// declare vars
	string yourDay = "";
	// get user input
	cout << "Enter the name abbreviation of the day: ";
	cin >> yourDay;
	cout << endl;
	for (int i = 0; yourDay != dayName[i] && i <= 6; i++)
		// check for day equivalency
		if (yourDay == dayName[i])
			dayNum = i;
		}  // end if
	} // end for
} // end setDay() method

void dayOfTheWeek::plusOneDay()
	// show what the next day will be
	// is today saturday?
	if (dayNum != 6)
		cout << "Since today is " << getDay() << " tomarrow will be " 
			<< dayName[dayNum + 1] << endl << endl;
		cout << "Since today is " << getDay() << " tomarrow will be "
			<< dayName[0] << endl << endl;
	} // end if

void dayOfTheWeek::minusOneDay()
	// show what the previous day was
	// is today Sunday? 
	if (dayNum != 0)
		cout << "Since today is " << getDay() << " yesterday was " 
			<< dayName[dayNum - 1] << endl << endl;
		cout << "Since today is " << getDay() << " yesterday was "
			<< dayName[6] << endl << endl;
	} // end if
} // end minusOneDay() method

void dayOfTheWeek::addDays()
	// declare var
	int addedDays = 0;
	cout << "The the number of the days that you would like to add: ";
	cin >> addedDays;
	// there's seven days in a week, so see how many days we actually have to add
	int remainderDays = addedDays % 7;
	if (remainderDays + dayNum > 7)
		remainderDays = (remainderDays + dayNum) - 7;
		// show what the day will be
		cout << "In " << addedDays << " days, it will be " 
			<< dayName[dayNum + remainderDays] << endl << endl;
		// show what the day will be
		cout << "In " << addedDays << " days, it will be " 
			<< dayName[dayNum + remainderDays] << endl << endl;
	} // end if
} // end addDays() method

this is my *.cpp file:

#include "Header.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// function prototypes
void menu(dayOfTheWeek, dayOfTheWeek);
void performOp(int, dayOfTheWeek, dayOfTheWeek);

int main()
	// create objects
	dayOfTheWeek day1;
	dayOfTheWeek day2;
	// show menu items
	menu(day1, day2);
	return 0;

void menu(dayOfTheWeek day1, dayOfTheWeek day2)
	// declare var
	int choice = 0;
	// let's do the loop
		// show the user the choices
		cout << "1: Change the day of the week" << endl;
		cout << "2: Display the day of the week" << endl;
		cout << "3: See what tomarrow is" << endl;
		cout << "4: See what yesterday was" << endl;
		cout << "5: See what day it will be in a given number of days" << endl;
		cout << "6: End Program" << endl;
		cout << "Choose an option from the list above: ";
		// get the user's selection
		cin >> choice;
		// check user input and perform selected operation
		if (choice < 1 || choice > 6)
			cout << "Input Error" << endl;
			// let's perform the option that the user selected
			performOperation(choice, day1, day2);
		 // end if
	while (choice < 1 || choice > 6);
} // end menu() function

void performOp(int userChoice, dayOfTheWeek day1, dayOfTheWeek day2)
	// do the operation based on the choice that the user put into the menu()
	switch (userChoice)
	case 1:
		// change the day on the second dayOfTheWeek object
		// send the user back to the menu, keep the values of the objects intact
		menu(day1, day2);
	case 2:
		// show the user the values of both dayOfTheWeek objects
		// send the user back to the menu, keep the values of the objects intact
		menu(day1, day2);
	case 3: 
		menu(day1, day2);
	case 4:
		menu(day1, day2);
	case 5:
		menu(day1, day2);
		// all done, show a brief message for the switch statement, and end program
		cout << "Terminating Program Operations..." << endl;
	} // end switch
} // end performOp()

The code compiles, but the printDay() method isn't working right. Anyone have any idea on what I'm doing wrong?

I'm using Visual C++ 2008 Express

Use your compiler's debugger, put a breakpoint on that function, and find out why it prints the wrong day of the week. My guess is that dayNum is wrong -- Sun should be 0, but dayNum may use 1 for Sunday.

Thanks, I'll try that, but it'll stop it for both objects.

Thanks, I'll try that, but it'll stop it for both objects.

Of course it will. That's not a problem though. What you want to find out is the value of numDay -- is it 0 based or 1 based ?

And this is a good exercise in learning how to use the debuger.

Actually, it didn't even stop the processing. It just continued, and didn't change the value of dayNum.

The problem was in my loop condition. I had it so that the loop stopped processing when the value of dayNum was equal to yourDay. That was dumb of me, but thanks for all your help. ^_^

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