This goes out to only the users of Dev C++ (or people knowledgeable with this compiler). I am trying to consolidate all of the files needed to run Dev C++ onto a flash drive so I can use it on multiple computers. I have been having problems getting the app files to move though because the program wants them to stay in one place. It says on installation to pass the parameter "-c c:\config_file_directory" to the program but I don't know how to do that.

Thank you for the help.

To pass a parameter to the program, do it from the command line. If it's devcpp.exe. Do dev-cpp.exe -c "C:\config"

It always comes up with an error:

The Directory "C:\config_file_directory" doesn't exist. Dev-C++ will now quit, please create the directory first.

I tried reinstalling the program but that also didn't work.

DOES the directory exist?~! If it doesn't, then get a new installer or something.

It's a beta version so maybe they didn't include it because I still can't find it.

No, I have the beta version ( It's weird. I can't find a config directory. I'll look around for it.

It always comes up with an error:

The Directory "C:\config_file_directory" doesn't exist. Dev-C++ will now quit, please create the directory first.

I tried reinstalling the program but that also didn't work.

Did you try using C:/config_file_directory instead?

It may be that the \c is being mistaken for a special escape character, and not exactly two separate characters.

Edit: Also, for clarification, Dev C++ isn't a compiler. It is merely an IDE that uses compilers (such as mingw, etc).

It may be that the \c is being mistaken for a special escape character, and not exactly two separate characters.

It doesn't work that way either.

Edit: Also, for clarification, Dev C++ isn't a compiler. It is merely an IDE that uses compilers (such as mingw, etc).

Sorry. I don't even know what IDE stands for so for my purposes of referencing the program I will call it a compiler.

So far as I know, Dev C++ and its derivate wxDev C++ are portable. My current IDE code::blocks is also green. I just copy and paste the whole program folder to someplace else, say another computer. It can start right there without hesitate.

I think it's giving an error because dev-c++ uses code completion. it makes a cache, and it may be looking for that. =|

So far as I know, Dev C++ and its derivate wxDev C++ are portable. My current IDE code::blocks is also green. I just copy and paste the whole program folder to someplace else, say another computer. It can start right there without hesitate.

I tried that. It didn't work.

I think it's giving an error because dev-c++ uses code completion. it makes a cache, and it may be looking for that. =|

So how do we fix it? Besides I haven't tried to move that.

I'll look into it

Try passing C:\Dev-cpp\ or whatever the root directory for Dev-C++ is.

IT WORKS!!! Kind of. Turns out that the "change" it was talking about wasn't the directory where the files are stored. It just re-runs the initial setup program.

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