
I downloaded the 7-zip SDK from http://www.7-zip.org/sdk.html

I was wondering how to make it so my program could compress a folder using 7-zip. This is confusing for me because it is the first (maybe second) time I am using an SDK and it is hard to find instructions on how to use it.

All I want to do with 7-zip is compress a folder, verify that it is right using some hashing function (CRC, md5 etc), and decompress it using the program later.

Also, I want to make it so I don't have to make my program open source. Also, if I could have 7-zip discard the information of "date created" that would be good too.
Also, I want it to be platform independent.

Any help appreciated.

NOTE: I know I posted this at CodeGuru, but no one has responded for like 12 hours, so I request help from here.

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