Please help me I am new to and I want to create a pop-up window in



What do u exactly want do u want to show any message as a pop-up in or do you want to show entire other form as pop-up???

if u want message as a pop-up then you can write

MsgBox("<<Message To Show>>", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "<<Tital>>")


MessageBox.Show("<<Message To Show>>", "<<Tital>>", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly, False)

if u want to open new form as pop-up then

Dim Obj as new Form1


Dim Obj As New Form1


Please help me I am new to and I want to create a pop-up window in


i want to create pop-up as new form.
I tried to put your code
dim obj as new form1

but, Stackoverflow exception is there.

I want that whenever i click a button, a new pop-up window be opened.

Post your code.

Can you tell me what is ur forms name.. In my code give below you will have to replace form1 text with your forms name... Please try this and let me know if you are still getting any error write back to me with exact error message you are getting...

i want to create pop-up as new form.
I tried to put your code
dim obj as new form1

but, Stackoverflow exception is there.

I want that whenever i click a button, a new pop-up window be opened.

My form name is also form1.

I am getting this error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

Then post your code, it more help.
and which line of error...

Hi, i think i understand your requirement. Is it you want you click the button, and then the current form will be close, and the new form will pop up?

if this is your requirement, then the solution will as the following

when u click the button, then the form1 will close while the form2 will be pop up.

Hope this can help u..

Dim obj As New Form1

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


End Sub

part of my problemis solved, but can it be done in another way, without taking another form.

hi friends, i'm new to, i've five combobox ctrl on my form. but i want select the data from ctrl and display in datagridcontrol by random

hi all... i am with a lil bit diff problem.. i need to have a subform or panel/frame whatever we can say to appear in the main form depending on some condition. I don't want visibility option as i had successfully tried it but i need to make my form generic... kindly help

Hi rohitgeek! Please start a new thread for your question. You're not answering or solving the original question about pop-up windows. You'll get answers to your question when everybody sees what you are asking :)

And gomathinayagam could do the same.

em...if your first form is startup form and you want call the new form and close the startup form, i think the better way is setup the solution/project properties at "Shutdown mode" choose "when last form-closes". If you choose this you can dispose the object (startup form) and the second form is not close.

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