
I was wandering if anyone knows any good hardware programming tutorials, or books in c++

I'm not a c++ expert, but i feel very comfortable with the language, and read Sam's teach yourself c++ in 24 hours.

What i basically want to do, is interresting stuff like, controlling an rc car with your computer, or opening a light with your computer, etc.


>I was wandering if anyone knows any good hardware programming tutorials, or books in c++
I don't know about the quality, but I have seen them around. Searching google will give you the tutorials and communities, and a good computer bookstore should have at least one book on embedded programming.

>i feel very comfortable with the language, and read Sam's teach yourself c++ in 24 hours.
You win the "Most Humorous Statement" award for the week. :)

What i basically want to do, is interresting stuff like, controlling an rc car with your computer, or opening a light with your computer, etc.

The parallel port is the most simplest port you'll find on a computer and could do those things for you. I'd start there (providing you have a parallel port). Your operating system is also a factor.

There's info on http://www.beyondlogic.org/ regarding interfacing your parallel (printer) and serial ports, inlcuding some code.

The serial port offers 3 outputs and 4 (5 if ur clever) inputs, but the levels are not TTL compatible.

The serial port can be accessed in windows 2000/XP, vista without the need for special drivers. Parallel port access needs a special driver in these OSes (I found io.dll very reliable and easy to use. I think it's available from http://www.geekhideout.com/iodll.shtml).

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