Hi everyone!

How do I format the layout of the datagridview to display header titles the way I want? and how do I format the layout to display the rows in multiple color mode.

Any type of help wil be appreciated

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If you look at the datagrid view properties you can set Header properties and alternating row properties

At runtime use soemthing liek

If dgvShowAll.Item(0, iRow).Value = 1 Then
                dgvShowAll.Rows(iRow).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkBlue
                dgvShowAll.Rows(iRow).DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White
            End If
            If dgvShowAll.Item(0, iRow).Value = 2 Then
                dgvShowAll.Rows(iRow).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightBlue

Thank you! Your solution makes much sence. I found another easiest way to get around that, which was to manipulate the alternatingRow property straight from the property window. And for the header I used

me.dtgrdResults.Header(index).HeaderText = "Header text"
'index is any nr from 0 to the total nr of columns -1 of the grid
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