int main()
vector<double> list;
bool more = true;
while (more)
  double x;
  int yes;
  cout << "Do you have numbers? yes=1 or no=2" "\n";
  cin >> yes;
  if(yes == 1)  
   cout << "Enter number""\n";
   cin >> x;
   yes = 0;
 if (yes == 2)
    more = false;

so far as i can tell this compiles fine, but once i have added the desired number of items for the vector and punch in "2" the program starts and does not go on to the next part after the while loop. I have commented out everything else outside of this loop but i cannot see the break.
Any help would be great

What you posted looks ok, so the problem is after that while loop. If its prompting for more user input, such as a string, then you have to clear the input stream of the '\n' that's still in the input buffer from inputting an integer. See this thread for how to do that.

it does not ask for anything.

After the loop i have been asking for it to print the vector out just for testing purposes by using

for (int i = 0; i <= list.size(); i++)
  cout << list[i]

this results in me typing in 2 and the program terminating

I ran your code and it works fine.

I would suggest a couple of things. "list" is a reserved STL container so you may want to call your variable something else.

And your loop should be for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) ie < not <= .

You can debug it by putting breakpoints and walking through your code.

when it finishes does it print out the vector because i can input but i cannot get any output

yes it prints out the vector. here is my stdout output

Do you have numbers? yes=1 or no=2
Enter number
Do you have numbers? yes=1 or no=2
Enter number
Do you have numbers? yes=1 or no=2
Printing out vector values

Here is the code I have

#include <iostream>
#include <vector> 

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;

int main()
  vector<double> myVector;
  bool more = true;
  while (more)
    double x;
    int yes;
    cout << "Do you have numbers? yes=1 or no=2" "\n";
    cin >> yes;
    if(yes == 1)  
      cout << "Enter number""\n";
      cin >> x;
      yes = 0;
    if (yes == 2)
      more = false;

  cout << "Printing out vector values " << endl; 
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); i++)
    cout << myVector[i] << endl;

  return 0;

so i am new to this and my teacher isn't the greatest (this wasn't hmwk this was me trying to get the concept), but i was using

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

I hate to sound dumb but do you have to initialize the vector, with "using std::vector;"

thank you

No you don't.

"using namespace std; " is fine, and it will initialize everything you need.

Its just I prefer not including the entire namespace if I don't need it. Sorry to have confused you.

ahh no problem thanks alot

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