Hi guys

I want to join two tables and executive the sql statement.I mention what is code i wrote ,Once Complie the code it says
Error1 The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer

SqlConnection Con3 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=IT;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=True");
            string str1 = "Select * from dbo.Executive ";
            string str2 = "select  * from Retailer";
            SqlDataAdapter adpter = new SqlDataAdapter(str1,Con3);
            SqlDataAdapter adpter1=new SqlDataAdapter(str2,Con3);
            DataTable Executive = new DataTable();
            DataTable Retailer =new DataTable();
           // MessageBox.Show(Retailer.Rows.Count.ToString());
            DataTable table1 = new DataTable();
            string str4 = "select b.SalesExecutiveCode,ExecutiveName from" + Executive + " inner join" + "(" + "select SalesExecutiveCode from" + Retailer + "where RetailerCode='00000949'" + ")" + "as"+table1+" on" + Executive.Columns["ExecutiveCode"] = table1.Columns["SalesExecutiveCode"];

In above coding I create the datatable and I used it as alias when i join the two tables.But i think no data in that data,Pls tell me what is wrong in this coding


Hi guys

I want to join two tables and executive the sql statement.I mention what is code i wrote ,Once Complie the code it says
Error1 The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer

SqlConnection Con3 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=IT;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=True");
            string str1 = "Select * from dbo.Executive ";
            string str2 = "select  * from Retailer";
            SqlDataAdapter adpter = new SqlDataAdapter(str1,Con3);
            SqlDataAdapter adpter1=new SqlDataAdapter(str2,Con3);
            DataTable Executive = new DataTable();
            DataTable Retailer =new DataTable();
           // MessageBox.Show(Retailer.Rows.Count.ToString());
            DataTable table1 = new DataTable();
            string str4 = "select b.SalesExecutiveCode,ExecutiveName from" + Executive + " inner join" + "(" + "select SalesExecutiveCode from" + Retailer + "where RetailerCode='00000949'" + ")" + "as"+table1+" on" + Executive.Columns["ExecutiveCode"] = table1.Columns["SalesExecutiveCode"];

In above coding I create the datatable and I used it as alias when i join the two tables.But i think no data in that data,Pls tell me what is wrong in this coding


y r u dumping all this in str4. for ur identification, store first select query in 1 var and second query in 2 variable and check the condition . i think problem in after "as"

why not just do a joined query on the server, its much more efficient


Yes,I did that before LizR,but in one tables there are more that 20,000,and and to Process that coding it takes at least 3 minitues.Therfore I decieded to put it into dataset and quey,but I dont know that is good method,I want to imporve the speed of the search process.


It shouldnt do not in the database you selected it from. Assuming you have indexes 30k records should be processable in a matter of 1 or 2 seconds.

Im thinking your selection code needs tweeking as the DB should do the join, which is why its slow.

it should go something more like

str1 = "
select * from dbo.Executive inner join Retailer on Executive.ExecutiveCode = Retailer.salesExecutiveCode"

which should join your 2 tables in 1 big grid, if you then only need 1 value such as retailercode, then add the "where RetailerCode='00000949'" to that original selection..

Not only have you then only downloaded the records who matched the criteria, you've made the potentially remote server do all the work not your app.

Try this.. But your both DataTable must have same data schema

DataTable dt = dba.SelectParticular("Angelique_TransMaster T,Angelique_Group G,Angelique_Subitem SI,Angelique_Item I,Angelique_TransDetails TD,Angelique_Unit U", "T.PartyID,T.BillDate,G.GroupName,SI.SubItemName,I.ItemName,I.IID,'' as PID,TD.Quantity,TD.Rate,U.UnitName,TD.Amount,TD.BilledQty,'0.00' as BilledAmt", "T.TranID=TD.TranID and TD.SubIID=SI.SubIID and SI.GID=G.GID and TD.SubIID=SI.SubIID and TD.IID=I.IID and I.UID=U.UID and TD.BillingStatus=0 and TD.Activity=2");

DataTable dt1 = dba.SelectParticular("Angelique_TransMaster T,Angelique_Product P,Angelique_TransDetails TD,Angelique_Unit U", "T.PartyID,T.BillDate,'NA' as GroupName,'NA' as SubItemName, P.ProductName as ItemName,0 as IID, P.PID,TD.Quantity,TD.Rate,U.UnitName,TD.Amount,TD.BilledQty,'0.00' as BilledAmt", "T.TranID=TD.TranID and TD.PID=P.PID and P.UID=U.UID and TD.BillingStatus=0 and TD.Activity=2");
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            foreach (DataRow drow in dt1.Rows)
            ViewState["Data"] = dt;
            dt.Constraints.Add("PKIID", dt.Columns["IID"], true);

hey why are you doing this much stuck just create a view with the join of two table and then create a index on that view then fatch the recored from the datatable using where condition. it's very simple.

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