please help... my computer moves wont work. it not an error it a crash or infinite loop.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "strlib.h"
#include "simpio.h"
#include "genlib.h"
#include "string.h"

#define size 9

void main()
	int rand, x = 0, i, player = 0, turn = 0, row = 0, column = 0, line = 0, winner = 0, used[size], check;
	bool space=true;
	char board[size][size] = { {'1','2','3'}, {'4','5','6'},{'7','8','9'}};

	printf("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe: Player 1 = you-Player 2 = computer\n");

	for(check=0; check<10; check++)
				used[check] = 1;
	for( i = 1; i<size && winner==0; i++)

	//-----------------------------Display board--------------------------------//
	printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[0][0], board[0][1], board[0][2]);
	printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[1][0], board[1][1], board[1][2]);
	printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[2][0], board[2][1], board[2][2]);

	player = i%2 + 1;
	if(player == 1)
	printf("\nPlayer 1, place your X: ");
	turn = GetInteger();
	used[x] = turn;
		if(x==0) turn = 1;
		for(rand=9; rand<10 && space == true; rand--)
			space = true;
			for(check=0; check<10; check++)
				if(used[check] == rand) 
					check = 10;
					space = false;
		turn = rand;

	row = --turn/3;
	column = turn%3;
	while(turn<0 || turn>size || board[row][column]>'9');
	board[row][column] = (player == 1) ? 'X' : 'O';

	if((board[0][0] == board[1][1] && board[0][0] == board[2][2]) || (board[0][2] == board[1][1] && board[0][2] == board[2][0]))
			winner = player;
			for(line = 0; line <= 2; line ++) if((board[line][0] == board[line][1] && board[line][0] == board[line][2]) || (board[0][line] == board[1][line] && board[0][line] == board[2][line]))winner = player;
	//-----------------------------Display board--------------------------------//
	printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[0][0], board[0][1], board[0][2]);
	printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[1][0], board[1][1], board[1][2]);
	printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[2][0], board[2][1], board[2][2]);

    if(winner == 0)
      printf("\nIt is a draw\n");
      printf("\nCongratulations, player %d!\n", winner);


Does your code compile ?

One thing I notice is that bool space=true; .. bool is a C++ data type.

Does your code compile ?
One thing I notice is that bool space=true; .. bool is a C++ data type.

Naw, she/he has been told several times already, and apparently can't figure out there's a different between C and C++. That C ends in *.c and C++ ends in *.cpp

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