hi. i'm new to this site. so i somehow not that familiar with the rules in posting so please consider if made some flaws here.
i'm currently developing a software that involves reading the the file system. i'm using C# which i'm still new to it. the software involves reading all the drives, directories and files and place it visually on a treeview. i'm using a foreach loop to go over the list of directories of a given drive but then, the foreach loop stops reading the remaining directories if it encounters an Unauthorized exception. what i want to happen, is for the code to skip those directories that are not supposed be to be accessed or read and proceed reading the remaining directories. example if i read drive C: of my machine which contains the directories A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I ,J and given that G is a System Volume Information directory. My code will only read from directory A to G and stops because of Unauthorized exception. What i want is read all the directories and just mark G as a directory that is protected.
here is my code
public TreeNode GetDepthTwoChildNodes(TreeNode parentNode)
TreeNode Level1Dir;
foreach (string dir1 in SubDirs(parentNode.FullPath))
Level1Dir = new TreeNode();
Level1Dir.ImageIndex = 3;
Level1Dir.SelectedImageIndex = 3;
Level1Dir.Text = dir1.Substring(dir1.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1, dir1.Length - dir1.LastIndexOf('\\') - 1);
foreach (string dir2 in SubDirs(dir1))
TreeNode thisDir = new TreeNode();
thisDir.ImageIndex = 3;
thisDir.SelectedImageIndex = 3;
thisDir.Text = dir2.Substring(dir2.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1, dir2.Length - dir2.LastIndexOf('\\') - 1);
foreach (string file2 in FileList(dir1))
TreeNode Level2Files = new TreeNode();
Level2Files.ImageIndex = 4;
Level2Files.SelectedImageIndex = 4;
Level2Files.Text = file2.Substring(file2.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1, file2.Length - file2.LastIndexOf('\\') - 1);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException AUE)
TreeNode AccesDeniedDir = new TreeNode();
AccesDeniedDir.ImageIndex = 3;
AccesDeniedDir.SelectedImageIndex = 3;
AccesDeniedDir.Text = AUE.InnerException.Message.ToString();
foreach (string file1 in FileList(parentNode.FullPath))
TreeNode Level1Files = new TreeNode();
Level1Files.ImageIndex = 4;
Level1Files.SelectedImageIndex = 4;
Level1Files.Text = file1.Substring(file1.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1, file1.Length - file1.LastIndexOf('\\') - 1);
return parentNode;
private List<string> SubDirs(string drv)
List<string> mydirs = new List<string>();
foreach (string dirs in Directory.GetDirectories(drv))
catch (IOException) { }
return mydirs;
private List<string> FileList(string pathnme)
List<string> myFileList = new List<string>();
foreach (string myfile in Directory.GetFiles(pathnme))
catch (IOException) { }
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { }
return myFileList;