can some help me with this datetimepicker problem...
btime1 is my datetimepicker(format is time)
Dim time559 As DateTime
Dim time1001 As DateTime
time559 = FormatDateTime("5:00:00 PM", DateFormat.LongTime)
time1001 = FormatDateTime("10:01:00 PM", DateFormat.LongTime)
If Btime1.Value < time559 And Btime1.Value > time1001 Then
MsgBox("Booking Time is only available from 6.00 PM to 10.00 PM ")
PListBox1.Items.Add("Customer Name" & ControlChars.Tab & _
ControlChars.Tab & "Booking Date" & ControlChars.Tab & _
ControlChars.Tab & "Booking Time")
status1 = "Booked"
Table1.BackColor = Color.Khaki
PListBox1.Items.Add(Bcusname1.Text & ControlChars.Tab & _
ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & Bdate1.Value & ControlChars.Tab & _
ControlChars.Tab & Btime1.Value)
the problem now is the first IF statement is not executing....i'm having trouble comparing them...can someone help me pls?
the allowed booking time is from 6pm to 10pm....somehow its not working..
thank u...