kritguy 0 Newbie Poster

Good day people.

I have written a free plugin for ACT by Sage that makes it possible for VB6 programmers to link to and integrate with ACT from your own system or database.

Up until my MiddleWareSDK (MiddleWare SDK for ACT by Sage) it was always impossible for you to do it in any language other than VB.Net or C##.

As I said, my SDK is free, so this is not an advertisement. What this does mean, is that if you are a VB 6 programmer who has not taken the plunge to Dot Net, then if your company needs you to integrate any of your existing systems with ACT - you can now do so.

All I ask for is kudos. Please just let me know what sort of development you did and how it worked for you.

My MiddleWare SDK for ACT by Sage can be obtained (without any need to register or even tell me that you have done so) from and, again, I must stress - there is no price. No registration. No pop-ups and no need to do anything but enjoy.

Also, as an ACT 2008 or above user, you also get to browse the core tables with an in-built ADODB interface.

I am based in New York and am delighted to give free email support just so long as you are a reasonably experienced VB programmer.

There are over 30 example programs that are downloadable too.

Best regards,
Kevin Ritch
631 961-0594

PS I also have phone numbers for Canada and England - so don't pay for long distance. They are on my website.

PPS - I am an older programmer with 25 years of development under my belt going back to the Dragon Home Computer (32k) back in 83.

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