I am trying to replace a string with another string in a string, but it is just not happeneing and is driving me crazy :@ and I am really confused :confused:
Here is the snippet :
Dim strHex2 As String
strHex2 = strHex.Text
Dim Mystring2 As String
Dim GG As Integer
GG = FreeFile()
Open ("d:\ImageHex.dat") For Binary As GG
'For a string, do this:
Mystring2 = Space(LOF(GG))
Get GG, , Mystring2
txthex.Text = Mystring2
Close GG
Dim strRTF As String
Dim strIMHex As String
strRTF = rtfTxt.Text
Dim Mystring3 As String
Dim strHex3 As String
Mystring3 = Replace(Mystring2, Chr(32), "")
strHex3 = Replace(strHex2, Chr(32), "")
Dim strResult As String
strResult = Replace(strRTF, Mystring3, strHex3)
so, strResult is the same as strRTF with no changes, and i dont know why?
Please HELP!!!!