// file: PayrollFunctions.cpp
// Computes and displays gross pay and net pay given an hourly
// rate and number of hours worked. Deducts union deus of $15
// if gross salary exceeds $100; otherwise,deducts no dues.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Functions used...
void instructUser();
float computeGross (float, float);
float computeNet (money);
const float MAX_NO_DUES = 100.00;
const float dues = 15.00;
const float MAX_NO_OVERTIME = 40.0;
const float OVERTIME_RATE = 1.5;
int main()
float hours;
float rate;
float gross;
float net;
// Display user instructions
//Enter hours and rate
cout << "hours worked: ";
cin >> hours;
cout << " Hourly rate: $";
cin >> rate;
// Compute gorss salary
gross = computeGross (hours,rate );
// Compute net salary
net = computeNet(gross);
// Print gross and net.
cout << " Gross salary is $" << gross<<endl;
cout<< " net salary is $ " << net << endl;
return 0;
// Display user instructions
void instructUser()
cout << "This program compute gross and net salary . " << endl;
cout << " A dues amount of " << dues << "is deducted for"<< endl;
cout << " an employee who earns more than " << MAX_NO_DUES << endl<<endl;
cout << " Overtime is paid at the rate of " << OVERTIME_RATE << endl;
cout<< "times the regualr rate fro hours worked over "<< MAX_NO_OVERTIME <<endl << endl;
cout << "on separate lines after the promts. " <<endl;
cout << " Press <return > after typing each number . " << endl << endl;
// Find the gross pay
float computeGross
(float hours,float rate)
// Local data . . .
float gross; // result : gross pay (dollars)
float regularPay; // pay for first 40 hours
float overtimePay; // pay for hours in excess of 40
// Compute gross pay.
if ( hours > MAX_NO_OVERTIME)
regularPay= MAX_NO_OVERTIME *rate;
overtimePay = (hours - MAX_NO_OVERTIME) * OVERTIME_RATE *rate;
gross = regularPay + overtimePay;
gross = hours * rate;
return gross;
} // end computeGross
// Find the net pay
float computeNet
(float gross)
//Local data...
float net;
// Compute net pay.
if ( gross > MAX_NO_DUES)
net = gross - dues ; // deduct dues amount
net = gross;
return net;
}//end computeNet
it has problem with variabale money , I don't know why, please help me