A real simple one, just a question of understanding the python syntax I suppose. I won't waste your time by throwing the whole program at you, I think my question can be boiled down to this:
a = ["cat"]
b = ["bark"]
wordinsa = input("Word: ")
wordinsb = input("Word: ")
wordq = input("Try: ")
if wordq in a:
c = a.index(wordq)
print wordq
print b[c]
print "Nope"
Basically a dictionary built out of lists; the real thing jumps to back to main menu, works real nice actually.
But I was thinking just now, when the program checks for matches in list a, it compares the entire strings of wordq and the ones in the list. If one were to rewrite it a little, perhaps like this:
maybe add in another if-statement checking if the first letter of the word is present?
maybe add a loop checking letter for letter?
...would it be possible to gain a little extra effiency this way, though the program is longer?
After all, the lists in the real thing can be as long as any Britannica Encyclopedia you'd care to name.
I know about dictionaries and tuples and so on, this is more of an attempt to get a general grasp of the flow in a computer program!