In the Starting Python [ ] Post,
I configured as specified, but when I take that 1st code example [ print "Hello Monty Python!" ] and save it as a file [ ], and open it in the Edit Window, and run it from there, I get the error msg from Python Shell [ There's an error in your progrm: incalid syntax ] .
I can see what's happening: the single line pgm [ print "Hello Monty Python!" ] , which shows in the [ ] window, is as programmed. But when I look in the Python Shell , The one liner shows up as [ print "Hello Monty Python! ] without the end [ " ].
The [ " ] gets lost in the in the Run command.
Is this a known problem, or am I doing something wrong?
When I just type [ print "Hello Monty Python! ] , into Python Shell , it runs as it should. No error msgs..