// file temperature table.cpp
//conversion of celsius to fahrenheit temperature 

# include <iostream>
# include <inomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
    const int CBEGIN = 10; 
    const int CLIMIT = -5;
    const int CSTEP = 5;
    float fahrenheit;
    cout << " Celsius " << "     Fahrenheit " << endl;
    //display the table
    for (int celsius = CBEGIN;
    celsius >= CLIMIT;
    celsius -= CSTEP)
            fahrenheit = 1.8 * celsius + 32.0;
            cout << setw(5) << celsius 
            << setw(15) << fahrenheit << endl;
            return 0;

thhe program ssaid that the setw(5) is undeclared
can u correct for me and explain more for me the function of setw in the simple way

>> include <inomanip>
That file doesn't exist either. It's misspelled.

exactly the correct is:

#include <iomanip>

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