
Can some please help me the type of errors in programming?

Please clarify. The question makes little sense.

Please clarify. The question makes little sense.

I mean here types of error in programming, with their definition and examples...
I hope is clarify

No, it's not clear. Do you mean exceptions that are thrown or general programming errors made by programmers? And is this a homework or exam question that you have neglected to adequately prepare for?

No, it's not clear. Do you mean exceptions that are thrown or general programming errors made by programmers? And is this a homework or exam question that you have neglected to adequately prepare for?

Yeah it is an Assignment and i need to summit it tomorrow and the question: Explain the three type of errors in programming language and give example to each?

So I would assume then that material was covered in your course. Review your notes.

Or we can do your Homework since this is the purpose of this forum: Read this

even if you have no experience at all, at least you should have an idea what kind of errors there can be.

Errors - Syntax/compiler errors, Runtime errors, Logic errors

There you go. Now you can look them up and learn about them on your own.

Errors - Syntax/compiler errors, Runtime errors, Logic errors

There you go. Now you can look them up and learn about them on your own.

why don't you hand it on a plate? giving them answers they should know for theirselves just makes them believe we'll answer their homework questions for them.
a little effort can be expected from him, since he's the one who wants to pass his course. your answer may have helped him now, but that'll just come to bite him in the ass later on... part of being in college is learning for yourself, not having everything spelled out for you. just by thinking for (less than) three minutes, he should have find out what kind of errors there can be, especially since they're propably mentioned in his notes.

about to learn them on his own: he won't. all he has to do is give an explanation, so that's all he'll do. if he wanted to do more than that, he would surely be capable of finding everything he needed without creating this thread

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