I am new to vb6. I am trying to automatically click a button on a web age. I keep getting the run-time error 91, object variable or With block variable not set at the line doc.All("btnAcknowledge").Click. I have also set the HTML object library. Can I get some advice. Here is my code. Thanks

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://....com/")
End Sub

Private Sub WebBrowser1_NavigateComplete2(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Set doc = WebBrowser1.Document
End Sub


Is there an element in your 'doc' named btnAcknowledge that's probably the error, you're trying to access the btnAcknowledge which was not set.

The html document contains <input type="submit" name="btnAcknowledge" value="I Acknowledge That I Have Read This Description" id="btnAcknowledge" />

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