Hello all,
Beginning my preparation for python 3.0, I just installed python 2.6 and the adapted wxpython.
The problem is I can not run the IDLE neither the Module doc of 2.6. I can run the python command line, and that works.
But I want to use the IDLE. After 2 hours of search, I found several report of such bugs, for 2.6 and 3.0rc, as you can see in the link .
But that does not apply to me, because I am using Windows XP SP2. And I installed the program for "All users" (that's what is prompted with the installer).
After doing that with the command line of windows :
C:\python26\python C:\python26\Lib\idlelib\idle.py
It returns an error (that I can't copy, being in the console) that says there is a conflict with TCL versions.
And I discover that my laptop (IBM thinkpad) has python 2.2 installed, and that the TCL library is different (TCL 8.4 for py2.2, TCL8.5 for py2.6).
What can I do ? Can I make both versions of python running ? If I suppress the IBM system commands from the PYTHONPATH , TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY of the environment variables, when will it influence the system ? Will it influence the system at startup, when formatting, else ?
Does anybody had upgrade problems between py2.5 and py2.6 ?
Thanks in advance