This is my default screen(output):

a - Add a friend
m - Modify a friend's
p - Print list of friend's
s - Search by Last name

(a, m , p , s is what the users type to access that part of the database)

a - For my addFriend's function, I want the user to input the names into the data base by physically typing in the name
p - I want to print the names that the user input.
m - I want to be able to modify a name in the database and change the name...Lets say Roy Rogers is the name the user input... I want to go into modify and change the name to Roy Williams. The screen will now print with all names including his name changed to Roy Williams.
s - I want to be able to search the Database by using the Last name of the name.

Problems that I'm having:

1) I am having trouble printing the names that I input
2) When I type "m" for Modify, I type in the name of the person, and when it ask Enter New Name...It does not let me enter a new name.
3) In the searchfunction...When i type in the last name, it shows a blank and takes me back to the default screen.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Unknown.h"
const int FRIENDS = 4;

void addFriends(friendType friends[]);
void modifyFriends(friendType friends[]);
void printFriends(friendType friends[]);
void searchbyLastName(friendType friends[]);

int main()
	friendType friends[FRIENDS];
	char selection;
         cout<<"m - Modify a friend  "<<endl;
         cout<<"a - Add a friend "<<endl;
         cout<<"p - Print friend list "<<endl;
         cout<<"s - Search by Last Name "<<endl;
         cout<<"q - Quit "<<endl;
                          case 'm': modifyFriends(friends);
                          case 'a': addFriends(friends);
                          case 'p': printFriends(friends);
                          case 's': searchbyLastName(friends);
                          case 'q': 
                          default: cout<<"Invalid option "<<endl;
          while (selection != 'q');
	        return 0;

void addFriends (friendType friends[])
     string name;
     cout<<"Enter 5 friends names (First and Last)"<<endl;
     for (int i = 0; i<FRIENDS; i++)

void printFriends(friendType friends[])
	for (int i=0; i<FRIENDS; i++)

void modifyFriends(friendType friends[])
     string name;
     string Nname;
	    cout<<"Enter the name you want to change"<<endl;
	    cout<<"Enter new name"<<endl;
	   for (int i=0; i<FRIENDS; i++)
        if (friends[i].getName() == name)

void searchbyLastName (friendType friends[])
     string LName;
     cout<<"Enter Friend's Last Name to conduct search"<<endl;
    for (int i=0; i<FRIENDS; i++)

.h file

class friendType
      void addFriends();
      void modifyFriends();
      void print()const; 
      void searchLast(string n);
      void printByLastName(string n);
      void modifyName(string n);
      string getName();
      friendType(string n);
  string name;
void friendType::print() const

friendType::friendType(string n)
    name = n;


    name = "Unknown";


void friendType::addFriends()

void friendType::modifyFriends()
string friendType::getName()
    return name;

void friendType::modifyName(string n)
     name = n;

void friendType::printByLastName(string n)
    if (n == name)

Separate the .h file into two separate files. The .h file should contain lines 1-22 of current .h file and the remainder should go in a .cpp file, which should have the same name as the .h file, but a different extension. the .cpp file should have the .h file included into it. the .cpp file should also have any other files it needs included in it such as iostream, etc. Inclusion guards are also routinely recommended.

void addFriends (friendType friends[])
      string name;      
      cout<<"Enter 5 friends names (First and Last)"<<endl;      
      for (int i = 0; i<FRIENDS; i++)     
      {     cin>>name;     }

You got to fill up your friends array with your name variable.
Btw what if you have less then 5 friends, what if you have more?

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