I am still new to C#, but I have written a progam that is significant to my work, I design custom pivot irrigation for farms. I have written the program to allow me to put in the span length and pipe diameters etc. and them at the click of a button I get all the flows and fiction loss and Pipe pressures etc. as I said I am still new to C# so I do a screen dump to print it, (until I work out how to produce a nice layout through xml and html or excel. (I'm working on that))
I have the client information on another form though. and I need to transfer this detail to the form with all the pivot details on it.
these details are Client name,area,number, sales person (combobox) and date(date time picker)
I have googled and wandered the forums trying to find a way to transfer all this data and I have tried a number of ways but to no avail. I have the methos that Ruelk used but I still can't get that to work.
Can anyone help me achieve that which I seek.