im gonna make a program that will create a 2d array that will have test data.
its should have 8 rows and 10 columns and set seed of random generator to 11. (numbers should go from 0.0 to 99.9)
the rows and columns should have random numbers and must be able to:
print the sum of each row/column
print the average for all numbers
print the total for all numbers
print the highest and lowest for each row/column
get the highest value in the 2d array and be able to indicate where it is (row, column)
get the lowest value in the 2d array and indiciate where it is
print the entire array again so user can double check info
*note: the rows and columns cannot be fixed-i should be able to change the numbers in the code without any trouble (ex: change 8 rows to 6 and 10 cols to 2)
these are the functions i am going to use:
void fill2Darray
void print2Darray
double getTotal
double getRowTotal
double getAverage
double getColTotal
double HighestInRow
double HighestInCol
double LowestInRow
double LowestInCol
double getHighest
double getLowest
any idea on how i can get started guys?
ps-im workin on a rought layout right now, so ill post some of my progress in a bit