
// Inventory program 

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

public class Inventory {
	private static double totInventoryValue = 0;
	public static void main( String arg[] ){
		product invProd[] = new product[3];
		Scanner input = new Scanner( );
		for (int iter = 0; iter < 3 ; iter++){
			invProd[iter] = new product();
			System.out.println("Enter the Product name"  );
			System.out.println("Enter the Product number");
			System.out.println("Enter the Product units"  );
			System.out.println("Enter the Product price"  );
			invProd[iter].setInvValue(invProd[iter].calInvValue(invProd[iter].getUnitPrice(), invProd[iter].getUnits()));

	public class GUI {
		public static void main(String [] args ) {

			String prodNumber = 0
				JOption.pane.showInputDialog(“ Enter item number: “);

			String prodName = 0
				JOption.pane.showInputDialog( “ Product Name; “);

			String prodStockAmount = 0
				JOption.pane.showInputDialog( “ Product Stock Amount:” );

			String prodPrice = 0
				Joption.pane.showInputDialog( “ Product Price:” );
			String prodTotalInventory = 0
				JOption.pane.showInputDialog( “ Product Total Inventory:” );

			String restockFee = 0.05%

			int number1 = Integer.parseInt( prodPrice);
			int number2 = Integer.parseInt( prodStockAmount);
			int number3 = Integer.parseInt( restockFee);

			int amount = number1 * number2; // multiply numbers
			int amount = prodTotalInventory * restockFee:// multiply numbers

			// display result in a JOption message dialog 
			JOption.pane.showMessageDialog( null, “The amount is” * amount, “Amount of two integers” , JOption.Pane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
} end method main

} end class GUI
		//Call invSort method to sort the product name  
		product[] sortedInvProd = invSort(invProd);
		for (int iter = 0; iter < 3 ; iter++){
			//Call Display method to display the inventory items
		System.out.println("Total Inventory Value :" + totInventoryValue );
	public static product[] invSort(product [] invProd)
		product temp[] = new product[1];

        for(int j = 0; j < invProd.length - 1; j++)
            for(int k = 0; k < invProd.length - 1; k++)
                if(invProd[k].getProdName().compareToIgnoreCase(invProd[k+1].getProdName()) > 0)
                    temp[0] = invProd[k];
                    invProd[k] = invProd[k+1];
                    invProd[k+1] = temp[0];
        return invProd;

	   private static void displayInventory(product product) {
		System.out.println("Inventory Number " + product.getItemNumber() + "\nName " + product.getProdName());
		System.out.println("Units " + product.getUnits() + "\nInventory Price " + product.getUnitPrice());
		System.out.println("Product Inventory Value " + product.getInvValue());
		totInventoryValue = totInventoryValue + product.getInvValue();


public class Title extends Object {
	private String titleName;
	private String prodPrice;
private String prodNumber;
private String prodInventory;
private double restockFee; // restock percentage

//set grossInventory
public void setGrossInventory {

   grossInvenotry = (stockAmount < 0 : Inventory
} // end method set gross Inventory

	   return grossInventory
	public returnGrossInventory ()

	return grossInventory
	} // end method returnGrossInventory

  	// set restockFee
	public void set restockFee (double) {
	   restockFee =  ( rate > 0.0 && rate < 0.05 ): 0.0;
	} // end method set restockFee

	// return restockFee
	public double returnRestockFee ()

	return restockFee
 	} // end method returnRestockFee

	// calculate restockFee
	public double restockFee ()
Return restockFee * grossInventory
	} // end method calculate restockFee

public class product {
	int	itemNumber;
	String prodName;
	int units;
	double unitPrice;
	double invValue;
	public int getItemNumber() {
		return itemNumber;
	public void setItemNumber(int itemNumber) {
		this.itemNumber = itemNumber;
	public String getProdName() {
		return prodName;
	public void setProdName(String prodName) {
		this.prodName = prodName;
	public int getUnits() {
		return units;
	public void setUnits(int units) {
		this.units = units;
	public double getUnitPrice() {
		return unitPrice;
	public void setUnitPrice(double price) {
		this.unitPrice = price;
	public double calInvValue(double price, int units){
		return invValue = price * units;
	public double getInvValue() {
		return invValue;
	public void setInvValue(double invValue) {
		this.invValue = invValue;


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