hey guys
i am using miracle c compiler on windows xp....
i am trying to figure out how does pointer to functions work.....
i have gone thru many tutorials but all have them failed to compile....

#include <stdio.h>

int sum(int x, int y)
   return x + y;

int product(int x, int y)
   return x * y;

int main()
   int a = 13;
   int b = 5;
   int result = 0;
   int (*pfun)(int, int);

   pfun = sum;
   result = pfun(a, b);
   printf("\npfun = sum   result = %d", result);

   pfun = product;
   result = pfun(a, b);
   printf("\npfun = product         result = %d", result);

//this source code is from

i get this error.......

C:\Program Files\Miracle C\work.c: line 21: Parse Error
'int (*pfun)(int, int)'
aborting compile

pls tell me wats wrong and also send me source code explaining the pointers to function

It works on my Dev-cpp (mingw, gcc) compiler, and I can't see any problem with code, so it's probably something about your compiler.

It works on my Dev-cpp (mingw, gcc) compiler, and I can't see any problem with code, so it's probably something about your compiler.

so wat compiler do u suggest......

>i am using miracle c compiler
Miracle C is a horrible compiler. Trash it and get anything else, or you'll have to suffer through constant battles of perfectly valid code failing to compile or not working correctly.

Try Code::Blocks, Turbo C++, or Visual C++.

>i am using miracle c compiler
Miracle C is a horrible compiler. Trash it and get anything else, or you'll have to suffer through constant battles of perfectly valid code failing to compile or not working correctly.

Try Code::Blocks, Turbo C++, or Visual C++.

i am learning c
so how can i use visual c++,turbo c++......
pls can u suggest a compiler for windows.........
its urgent.....

>i am learning c
C++ compilers can compile C. Usually all you have to do is name the source file *.c instead of *.cpp.

>pls can u suggest a compiler for windows.........
I suggested three of them. They're all easy to install and use. Stop being lazy.

>its urgent.....
Not for me.

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