How to make streams to read and write files (in binary) .
I have found a few Streams but do not know which one to use.
they are as follows:-

PrintStream p=new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("myfile.text"));
DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("myfile.txt"));
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("myfile.text"));
Printwriter pw=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("myfile.text"));

Please tell me which ones to use to reading and writing files.
Help will be highly appreciated.

Simple FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.

If you want to read in "binary" then there is no need to wrap those streams in anything else.

So how can we input a word like "hello world" as binary,
or a number like 123?
Which stream would I use to do this(pls give the syntax).

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