Hi there. Iv been searching (this forum and Google) for examples using the StyledTextCtrl, so that I can see how the thing actually works, but with no real joy. Iv found a couple of very basic examples but nothing that really shows the workings of the control. Iv seen the example in the wxWidgets examples, but it doesn't seem to make very much sense to me, and removing the control from the code to experiment with it myself has defeated me at every try!
Can anyone point me in the right direction please. I am looking to create a small editor program that will show syntax highlighting in wxPython (For now), but I am also interested in making the control highlight other languages, and possibly some custom highlighting too.
Also of some concern is that the only program I have found that even shows the StyledTextCtrl is Boa Constructor, and I am not fond of the program because it doesn't seem too stable (in Linux at least), so perhaps someone could show me the way to use the StyledTextCtrl when it is simply typed into an editor (Geany).
I have found much of the reference material for the control, but without a concrete example of using it I cant seem to do much with it.
Many thanks