Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum and i'm sorry if a similar thread already exists, but I couldn't find one.
I'm trying to run the microsft speech SDK 5.1 sample code, but the Microsoft speech library seems to be missing from my computer. It's not in the COM tab when I click "Add reference" in the solution explorer (or in the menu for that matter).
I've been trying to download the library from somewhere all night, but this has been unsuccesful so far and i'm starting to get really frustrated.

I've installed Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 and I have both runned and wrote my own applications in C# before without any problems.

If anyone knows how to add the microsoft speech library to my projects, I'd be forever gratetful! (Well, I'd be grateful).

Thanks in advance,


What OS?
Service Pack?

What OS?
Service Pack?

I'm running Windows vista Ultimate, not sure what service pack as i'm at work right now, but I should think the latest.

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