I have a big table contain a mobile numbers, I need to count each mobile number, how many time it was entered to my table?

You're talking about DB table, right?

Assuming you have mobile phone numbers in a "unified format", this SQL statement returns unique numbers and their count:

SELECT DISTINCT(<MobileNumberField>), COUNT(<MobileNumberField>) AS MobileNumberCount FROM <tablename> GROUP BY <MobileNumberField>

Just replace field and table names before you use that.

SELECT DISTINCT(MobileNumber), COUNT(MobileNumber) AS RecordCount FROM MobileTable GROUP BY MobileNumber

plz...m relly need a immediate coding..
plz sumbody solve my probs..
i want to subtract my current quantity stock went m enter any amount at a textbox...
currentquantity = fullquantity - amount(type in the textbox)
then save to database
can sumbody help mee..plzzz

Start a new thread for your question and you will get an answer for it.

i need a coding for those calculation...
help plzzz...:(

plz...m relly need a immediate coding..
plz sumbody solve my probs..
i want to subtract my current quantity stock went m enter any amount at a textbox...
currentquantity = fullquantity - amount(type in the textbox)
then save to database
can sumbody help mee..plzzz

As Teme64 said open new thread with appropriate title and you will get more help

currentquantity = fullquantity - amount(type in the textbox)

Dim currentquantity, fullquantity As Double
        currentquantity = fullquantity - CDbl(TextBox1.Text)

this is what I understand from your question

and see this link to know how to add row to Database

actually currentqtty n fullqtty is a field from a stock table dbase...
i'll insert any amount(textbox) at the form and went i click button save
in stock table,in currentqtty field will reduce from fullqtty..
i don need to add row in dbase...

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