I am getting this error

Error 11 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Test/Testnamespaces.h': No such file or directory

I have included the following statement in the code

using namespace Test;

Can anyone please tell me the reason for this .

is this file present in the Test directory? can you post the include statement or the .h file if possible?


Thanks for the reply
You mean to say you want the code of file

nope.. i want to know when you get this error, in what file, whats the include statement there or anything else that you think is relevant. obviously i have no clue what you're trying to do unless you tell me..rt? ..


I am getting this error when I build the project.

I am getting this error in a cpp file

Include statement is
#include <Test/iTestmetafactory.h>

i thought it was 'Testnamespaces.h' .. anyways is the path of the file available in your include path? -I option of the compiler? is this file actually present in the path, did you confirm? if you're using some IDE then you might have to check what's the include path set to.


I have a simple question

what is the difference between #include <Test/Test.h> and #include "Test/Test.h"

I am sorry but I am very new to C++

The reason I am asking this because when I include the file and change the include directive to

#include "Test/Test.h"

I am not getting the error then

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