Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
connetionString = ("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite")
MessageBox.Show("connection established")
sql = ("select newuniqueid,newteh_code,newpcate_cd,newplano, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code,pvillage,ppo_cd,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode from ekalyan.welpen")
cnn = New SqlConnection(connetionString)
cmdd = New SqlCommand(sql, cnn)
MsgBox(" ExecuteNonQuery in SqlCommand executed !!")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("cannot open the connection")
End Try
'Dim objdataadapter1 As New SqlDataAdapter("select Teh_code,Pcate_Cd,Wtng_No,Applicationdate,Pen_Nm,Rel_Cd1,Pen_Fnm,pan_code,Po_Cd,disabilitypercentage,Ccate_Cd,IndiviualsIncome,Village from ekalyan.WtngN", objconnection)
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\database1.mdb")
str = "insert into Table1(newuniqueid,newteh_code,newpcate_cd,newplano, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code,pvillage,ppo_cd,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode) values (@newuniqueid,@newteh_code,@newpcate_cd,@newplano, @pen_nm,@rel_cd,@pen_fnm,@ccate_cd,@pan_code,@pvillage,@ppo_cd,@spo_cd,@start_qtr,@last_qtr,@bundle_typ,@bundle_no,@mo_srno,@pen_amt,@pen_comm,@status,@operatorcode)IN 'C:\Table1.mdb'"
cmd = New OleDbCommand(str, cn)
icount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
cn = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
I had a code which uses data view to transfer from Access to SQL Server. All you have to modify to transfer from SQL Server to Access, is to change OleDB* variables (objects) to Sql* variables (objects) and vice versa.
Read Access table to data view:
Public Sub ExportTableData(ByVal ConnectionStr As String, ByVal TableName As String, _
ByRef oView As DataView, _
ByVal SelectSQL As String, ByVal WhereSQL As String)
' Export Access table to data view
Dim strSQL As String
Dim oRS As DataSet
Dim oConnOleDb As OleDbConnection
Dim oCmdOleDb As OleDbCommand
Dim oDAOleDb As OleDbDataAdapter
strSQL = ""
oCmdOleDb = Nothing
oDAOleDb = Nothing
oConnOleDb = New OleDbConnection(ConnectionStr)
oCmdOleDb = oConnOleDb.CreateCommand()
If SelectSQL.Length = 0 Then
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & TableName
strSQL = "SELECT " & SelectSQL & " FROM " & TableName
End If
If WhereSQL.Length > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & WhereSQL
End If
' Execute
oCmdOleDb.CommandText = strSQL
oDAOleDb = New OleDbDataAdapter(oCmdOleDb)
oRS = New DataSet
oDAOleDb.Fill(oRS, TableName)
oView = New DataView(oRS.Tables(0))
oConnOleDb = Nothing
oDAOleDb = Nothing
oRS = Nothing
oCmdOleDb = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
And insert data view to SQL Server:
Public Sub ImportTableData(ByVal ConnectionStr As String, ByVal TableName As String, _
ByRef oImportView As DataView, _
ByVal SelectSQL As String, ByVal WhereSQL As String)
' Import table from data view
Dim strSQL As String
Dim oConn As SqlConnection
Dim oCmd As SqlCommand
Dim oDA As SqlDataAdapter
Dim oRS As DataSet
Dim oView As DataView
strSQL = ""
oConn = New SqlConnection(ConnectionStr)
oCmd = Nothing
oDA = Nothing
oCmd = oConn.CreateCommand()
If SelectSQL.Length = 0 Then
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & TableName
strSQL = "SELECT " & SelectSQL & " FROM " & TableName
End If
If WhereSQL.Length > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & WhereSQL
End If
' Execute
oCmd.CommandText = strSQL
oDA = New SqlDataAdapter(oCmd)
oRS = New DataSet
oDA.Fill(oRS, TableName)
oView = New DataView(oRS.Tables(0))
' Set rowstates so that rows are inserted
oView.Table.Merge(oImportView.ToTable, True, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore)
' The trick is to use CommandBuilder to create INSERT statement "automatically"
Dim oCmdBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder
oCmdBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(oDA)
' Finally call update to commit changes to database table
oConn = Nothing
oDA = Nothing
oRS = Nothing
oCmd = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
And here's how you use it
Dim oView As DataView
ExportTableData(SourceConnectionString, SourceTableName, oView, "", "")
ImportTableData(TargetConnectionString, TargetTableName, oView, "", "")
Just provide connection strings and table name(s). Naturally you should handle errors properly etc.
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
Where this code has to be written????
Dim oView As DataView
ExportTableData(SourceConnectionString, SourceTableName, oView, "", "")
ImportTableData(TargetConnectionString, TargetTableName, oView, "", "")
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Okay, your Button1 reads data and Button2 writes data. If you want to keep it that way, set Dim oView As DataView
as global variable in your class (form), like Private oView As DataView
. Put ExportTableData(SourceConnectionString, SourceTableName, oView, "", "")
in your Button1 and ImportTableData(TargetConnectionString, TargetTableName, oView, "", "")
to Button2. Finally remember to modify my original code (see my previous reply for what and why) and provide proper values to connection strings and table names.
When I tested it (from SQL Server to Access in my case), I had this whole code
Dim oView As DataView
ExportTableData(SourceConnectionString, SourceTableName, oView, "", "")
ImportTableData(TargetConnectionString, TargetTableName, oView, "", "")
in one button's click event handler.
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
I want to ask when we are importing the data into sql why we are using select command in should only be used in MS access and in sql we should write a insert statement.....
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
just want to thank you..for helping me out!!!!I don know if we can put messages like this but from my heart iam really thankful for your help.
I have got the records in MS access....For further help il look forward to you!!!!
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Hi! If your question is solved, please mark the thread as solved. Thank you!
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
no doubts i have accomplished the task.I have given the names of coloumns in MS access same as that in the SQl table and then the data is imported successfully but i want to change the names of coloumns of ms access.can we do alising so that we can refer a coloumn name by another name also and getting the data imported successfully
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Yes, you can do that. Change "SELECT * FROM" to "SELECT field1 AS NewName1, field2 AS NewName2... FROM". That will work.
There might be a more sophisticated way to do column mapping, but can't get any good ideas straight away in to my mind.
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
do i need to write select fieldname as newfieldname SQL part of the code only???coz i have tried and not able to import data
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Yes, that should do. But you have to use the same field name aliases in both procedures.
There's a SelectSQL parameter in both procedures, you can use it, for example:
Dim MappedSelect As String
Dim oView As DataView
MappedSelect = "FieldName1 AS NewName1, FieldName2 AS NewName2, FieldName3, FieldName4"
ExportTableData(SourceConnectionString, SourceTableName, oView, MappedSelect, "")
ImportTableData(TargetConnectionString, TargetTableName, oView, MappedSelect, "")
Dim MappedSelect As String
Dim oView As DataView
MappedSelect = "SrcFieldName1 AS NewName1, SrcFieldName2 AS NewName2, FieldName3, FieldName4"
ExportTableData(SourceConnectionString, SourceTableName, oView, MappedSelect, "")
MappedSelect = "DestFieldName1 AS NewName1, DestFieldName2 AS NewName2, FieldName3, FieldName4"
ImportTableData(TargetConnectionString, TargetTableName, oView, MappedSelect, "")
In the latter case both different original field names are aliased to same names.
The point is, when dataviews are merged, they are merged by matching field names. As I probably stated before, there may be a better way to map field names. But the code above does the job anyway.
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
may i write this code on load....without changing the existing code.or i make changes accordingly.
You may put the code on the Load event. Just make sure you "map" field names, if you need to do that, before calling ExportTableData and/or ImportTableData. The point is, as I wrote before, merging data view objects is based on field names being the same.
in this code do i have write from table name also????
No, you don't have to. See my first post for the implementation of ExportTableData and ImportTableData procedures, especially their ByVal SelectSQL As String
argument how it is used in the code.
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
sir not able to implement.....things ant working
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
Plz see my code(EXPORT)
Public Sub ExportTableData(ByVal ConnectionStr As String, ByVal TableName As String, _
ByRef oView As DataView, _
ByVal SelectSQL As String, ByVal WhereSQL As String)
'Export SQL table to data view
strSQL = ""
oCmd = Nothing
oDA = Nothing
oConn = New SqlConnection("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite")
oCmd = oConn.CreateCommand()
If SelectSQL.Length = 0 Then
strSQL = "SELECT newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode FROM " & "ekalyan.welpen"
'strSQL = "SELECT newuniqueid ,newteh_code ,newpcate_cd,newplano , pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code ,pvillage ,ppo_cd ,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode FROM " & "ekalyan.welpen"
strSQL = "SELECT " & SelectSQL & " FROM " & "ekalyan.welpen"
End If
If WhereSQL.Length > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & WhereSQL
End If
'strSQL = "select newuniqueid,newteh_code,newpcate_cd,newplano, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code,pvillage,ppo_cd,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode from ekalyan.welpen"
oCmd.CommandText = strSQL
oDA = New SqlDataAdapter(oCmd)
oRS = New DataSet
oDA.Fill(oRS, "ekalyan.welpen")
oView = New DataView(oRS.Tables(0))
oConn = Nothing
oDA = Nothing
oRS = Nothing
oCmd = Nothing
'ExportTableData("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite", "ekalyan.welpen", oView, "", "")
MessageBox.Show("data exported Successfully")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
for import
Public Sub ImportTableData(ByVal ConnectionStr As String, ByVal welfare_pen As String, _
ByRef oImportView As DataView, _
ByVal SelectSQL As String, ByVal WhereSQL As String)
strSQL1 = ""
oConnOleDb = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\database1.mdb")
oCmdOleDb = Nothing
oDAOleDb = Nothing
oCmdOleDb = oConnOleDb.CreateCommand()
If SelectSQL.Length = 0 Then
strSQL1 = "SELECT newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode FROM " & "welfare_pen"
strSQL = "SELECT " & SelectSQL & " FROM " & welfare_pen
End If
If WhereSQL.Length > 0 Then
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & " WHERE " & WhereSQL
End If
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM welfare_pen"
oCmdOleDb.CommandText = strSQL1
oDAOleDb = New OleDbDataAdapter(oCmdOleDb)
oRS1 = New DataSet
oDAOleDb.Fill(oRS1, "welfare_pen")
oView = New DataView(oRS.Tables(0))
oView.Table.Merge(oImportView.ToTable, True, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore)
Dim oCmdBuilder As OleDbCommandBuilder
oCmdBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(oDAOleDb)
oConnOleDb = Nothing
oDAOleDb = Nothing
oRS1 = Nothing
oCmdOleDb = Nothing
'ImportTableData("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\database1.mdb", "welfare_pen", oView, "", "")
MessageBox.Show("data Imported Successfully")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
on export button click
MappedSelect = "SELECT newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode FROM " & "ekalyan.welpen"
ExportTableData("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite", "ekalyan.welpen", oView, "MappedSelect", "")
same for import
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Both procedures contained parameters for
1) connection strings (ConnectionStr)
2) table names (TableName)
3) field names (SelectSQL)
the reason for this was (or should have been) obvious :)
MappedSelect = "SELECT newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode FROM " & "ekalyan.welpen"
MappedSelect = "newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode "
i.e. just field names and/or aliases, no SQL statements, procedures will handle them.
ExportTableData("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite", "ekalyan.welpen", oView, "MappedSelect", "")
ExportTableData("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite", "ekalyan.welpen", oView, MappedSelect, "")
"MappedSelect" should be MappedSelect of course to pass the value to procedure.
Put the breakpoint in the lines oCmdOleDb.CommandText = strSQL
and oCmd.CommandText = strSQL
, dump the strSQL variables and compare the field lists. Field names (or aliases of the fields) should be same on both procedures.
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
did not undrestand these lines
Put the breakpoint in the lines oCmdOleDb.CommandText = strSQL and oCmd.CommandText = strSQL , dump the strSQL variables and compare the field lists.
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Forget that ;) If you remove SELECT and FROM from the MappedSelect variable (procedures will handle those), pass it (without quotes!) to both (unmodified, original) procedures, does it work? If not, compare the value of the strSQL variable from both export and import procedures (same number of fields and same names). If you get some error message, post it here.
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
sir i have a confusion probably...we have used MappedSelect...for alising.that means i have to replace the vareiable strSQL with MappedSelect???
and remove the statement
strSQL1 = "SELECT newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode FROM " & "welfare_pen"
MappedSelect = "newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode "MappedSelect = "newuniqueid as UNIQ_ID,newteh_code as TEH_CD,newpcate_cd as PCATE_CD,newplano as PLA_NO, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code as PAN_CD,pvillage as VILLAGE,ppo_cd as PO_CD,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode "
please help me out....
kritiohri 0 Newbie Poster
sir....not able to do aliasing..if any help it would be highly appreciated.
Teme64 215 Veteran Poster
Hi! Have you solved the problem?
If not, remember these two points:
- fields are merged by their name
- if both tables have fields with the same names, there's no point to create aliases for those field names
bhagawatshinde 11 Posting Whiz
Hi all,
i used the code posted by Teme64 but i got error like Disk or Network error.
How i can solve this.
elie.karkafy 0 Junior Poster in Training
how we can check for duplicates data and prevent inserting them to the database ?
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