I have problem in counting the number of letters in the strings entered by the user. CAn anyone suggest something in the following codes?

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	char* str;
	cout<<"enter the string to count the number of letters in it.";
	return 0;

Why not use a string
Add #include <string> at the top
replace char* ... with this std::string str; // and
and change your output line to this.... std::cout<<"Length == "<<str.length()<<std::endl; note that since string is a class, and str is an object of type string,
you call the string method called length. It is not a variable of string but a function hence the () after length.

However, it you want to count the letters and be a bit more careful about
spaces etc. Then there a a lot of post here and FAQs elsewhere that discuss how to proceed.

Replace: char *str; with string str; and fix: str.length with str.length()

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