basically here is my code, sorry if its untidy. you will see in the crossover function i want to use the rand. i get errors like "too many arguments for int rand()"

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#pragma hdrstop


using namespace std;

void patpixselect(void);
void crossover(void);
void sort_chromosomes( float[16]);

float weights[16][60];
float patpix[9] ;       // array for pixels in patterns
float error[16];

const float e = 2.718281828;
 int CHR = 16;
   int GENE = 60;

float OUTA;
float OUTB;
float OUTC;
float OUTD;
float OUTE;

float OUTX;
float OUTY;
float OUTZ;
float target1;
float target2;
float target3;
float err;
float toterr;
float ERRX;
float ERRY;
float ERRZ;

int pat = 0;

int main ()


for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) 
    for(int j = 0; j < 60; j++)
        weights[i][j] = -1 + rand() / ( RAND_MAX / ( 1 + 1 ) + 0.1 );    

//---- test strings for fitness --------------------------

for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    toterr = 0;
    for (pat = 1; pat < 4; pat++)
        cout << endl << "pattern: " << pat << endl;
        cout << endl << patpix[0] << endl;
        OUTA = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][0] * patpix[0]) + (weights[i][1] * patpix[1])
        + (weights[i][2] * patpix[2] ) + (weights[i][3] * patpix[3]) + (weights[i][4] * patpix[4]) 
        + ( weights[i][5] * patpix[5]) + (weights[i][6] * patpix[6]) + (weights[i][7] * patpix[7])
        + (weights[i][8] * patpix[8]))));
        cout << "OUTA " << OUTA << endl;

        OUTB = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][9] * patpix[0]) + (weights[i][10] * patpix[1])
        + (weights[i][11] * patpix[2] ) + (weights[i][12] * patpix[3]) + (weights[i][13] * patpix[4]) 
        + ( weights[i][14] * patpix[5]) + (weights[i][15] * patpix[6]) + (weights[i][16] * patpix[7])
        + (weights[i][17] * patpix[8]))));   
    cout << "OUTB " << OUTB << endl;
        OUTC = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][18] * patpix[0]) + (weights[i][19] * patpix[1])
        + (weights[i][20] * patpix[2] ) + (weights[i][21] * patpix[3]) + (weights[i][22] * patpix[4]) 
        + ( weights[i][23] * patpix[5]) + (weights[i][24] * patpix[6]) + (weights[i][25] * patpix[7])
        + (weights[i][26] * patpix[8]))));
cout << "OUTC " << OUTC << endl;

        OUTD = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][27] * patpix[0]) + (weights[i][28] * patpix[1])
        + (weights[i][29] * patpix[2] ) + (weights[i][30] * patpix[3]) + (weights[i][31] * patpix[4]) 
        + ( weights[i][32] * patpix[5]) + (weights[i][33] * patpix[6]) + (weights[i][34] * patpix[7])
        + (weights[i][35] * patpix[8]))));
cout << "OUTD " << OUTD << endl;

        OUTE = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][36] * patpix[0]) + (weights[i][37] * patpix[1])
        + (weights[i][38] * patpix[2] ) + (weights[i][39] * patpix[3]) + (weights[i][40] * patpix[4]) 
        + ( weights[i][41] * patpix[5]) + (weights[i][42] * patpix[6]) + (weights[i][43] * patpix[7])
        + (weights[i][44] * patpix[8]))));
cout << "OUTE " << OUTE << endl;
        OUTX = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][45] * OUTA) + (weights[i][46] * OUTB)
        + (weights[i][47] * OUTC ) + (weights[i][48] * OUTD) + (weights[i][49] * OUTE))));
cout << "OUTX " << OUTX << endl;

        OUTY = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][50] * OUTA) + (weights[i][51] * OUTB)
        + (weights[i][52] * OUTC ) + (weights[i][53] * OUTD) + (weights[i][54] * OUTE))));
cout << "OUTY " << OUTY << endl;

        OUTZ = 1/(1 + pow(e, -((weights[i][55] * OUTA) + (weights[i][56] * OUTB)
        + (weights[i][57] * OUTC ) + (weights[i][58] * OUTD) + (weights[i][59] * OUTE))));
cout << "OUTZ " << OUTZ << endl;
// ------------- calculate errors -(fitness)--------------------------------------------------

        cout << endl << endl << "target 1 is " << target1 << endl 
        << "target 2 is " << target2 << endl << "target3 is " << target3;
        ERRX = (OUTX)*(1 - OUTX)*(target1 - OUTX ); // error of out put x 
        ERRX = pow(ERRX,2);
        ERRX = sqrt(ERRX); 
        ERRY = (OUTY)*(1 - OUTY)*(target2 - OUTY ); // err of output Y
        ERRY = pow(ERRY,2);
        ERRY = sqrt(ERRY);
        ERRZ = (OUTZ)*(1 - OUTZ)*(target3 - OUTZ ); // err of output z
        ERRZ = pow(ERRZ,2);
        ERRZ = sqrt(ERRZ);
        err = ( ERRX + ERRY + ERRZ );                         // total error of 1 pattern for 1 string
        cout << endl << "total error for 1 pattern for 1 string " << err << endl;
        toterr += err;                                           // --- error for all patterns for 1 string
        cout << endl << "total error for all patterns for 1 string " << toterr << endl;
    error[i] = toterr; // put each error for each string in array to match with each string.
    cout << endl << "total error for string " << i << " is " << error[i] << endl ;
       // check to see if things have  
    cout << endl << "errors before sorting" ;
    for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
        cout << endl << "error in string " << j << " is " << error[j];
    sort_chromosomes( error );
    cout << endl << "errors after sorting" ;
    for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
        cout << endl << "error in string " << j << " is " << error[j];
    return 0;


 * Name: patpixselect
 * Parameters: none
 * Returns: none
 * Globals:  none
 * Description: database for which pixels for which pattern and targets for the

void patpixselect(void)
    if (pat == 1)
        patpix[0] = 1;
        patpix[1] = 1;    
        patpix[2] = 1;
        patpix[3] = 1;
        patpix[4] = 1;
        patpix[5] = 1;
        patpix[6] = 1;
        patpix[7] = 1;
        patpix[8] = 1;
        target1 = 1;
        target2 = 0;
        target3 = 0;
        return ;
    if (pat == 2)
        patpix[0] = 2;
        patpix[1] = 2;    
        patpix[2] = 2;
        patpix[3] = 2;
        patpix[4] = 2;
        patpix[5] = 2;
        patpix[6] = 2;
        patpix[7] = 2;
        patpix[8] = 2;
        target1 = 0;
        target2 = 1;
        target3 = 0;
        return ;
    if (pat == 3)
        patpix[0] = 3;
        patpix[1] = 3;    
        patpix[2] = 3;
        patpix[3] = 3;
        patpix[4] = 3;
        patpix[5] = 3;
        patpix[6] = 3;
        patpix[7] = 3;
        patpix[8] = 3;
        target1 = 0;
        target2 = 0;
        target3 = 1;
        return ;


* Name:        sort_chromosomes()
* Parameters:
* Returns:     none
* Globals:     none
* Description: This function sorts all the strings into their order or best to worst
void sort_chromosomes( float error[16] )

   int c,j;
   float temp;
   float t;

    for( c=0; c<CHR-1; c++)
       for( j=c ; j< CHR-1; j++)
           if( error[j] < error[j+1])
               temp = error[j];
               error[j]= error[j+1];
               error[j+1]= temp;

               for( int g=0; g< GENE; g++)
                   t = weights[j][g];
                   weights[j][g]= weights[j+1][g];
                   weights[j+1][g]= t;



    for( c=0; c<CHR-1; c++)
       for( j=c ; j< CHR-1; j++)
           if( error[j] < error[j+1])
               temp = error[j];
               error[j]= error[j+1];
               error[j+1]= temp;

               for( int g=0; g< GENE; g++)
                   t= weights[j][g];
                   weights[j][g]= weights[j+1][g];
                   weights[j+1][g]= t;



* Name:        crossover()
* Parameters:
* Returns:     none
* Globals:     none
* Description: This function performs the genetic operator crossover using the first
*              (best) half of the chromosomes. Each pair produces two off springs
*              and there are four such pairs chosen at random from the first half of
*              the generation. The offsprings are then overwritten on the bottom
*              half of the chromosomes in initp.dat.
void crossover(void)

    int mate1[4];
    int mate2[4];
    int cp;
    int chrnum;
   int c,j;
   float temp;
   int t;
   int g;

        for(chrnum=0; chrnum<4; chrnum++)
            mate1[chrnum] = rand(CHR/2);                                     // gets mate one from random 

                    mate2[chrnum] = rand(CHR/2);                                // gets mate 2 from random
                }while( mate1[chrnum]== mate2[chrnum]);                              //as long as they aint the same

                cp = rand( GENE);                                                   // cp = crossover point chosen at random

                for(  g=0; g < cp; g++ )                                              // take weights from 0 to cp from mate 1
                     // tells which string to put it in
                     weights[(CHR/2)+(chrnum*2)][g] = weights[mate1[chrnum]][g] ;
         		 for( g = cp; g < GENE; g++ )                                           // take w from cp to end from 2 and put it 
            		 weights[(CHR/2)+(chrnum*2)][g] = weights[mate2[chrnum]][g] ;
         		 for( g = 0; g < cp; g++ )
                   // puts it in the string after 1 above
                   weights[(CHR/2)+(chrnum*2)+1][g] = weights[mate2[chrnum]][g] ;  // take first half from 2
         		 for( g=cp; g < GENE; g++ )
            		 weights[(CHR/2)+(chrnum*2)+1][g] = weights[mate1[chrnum]][g] ;   //take 2nd half from 1


Yes, the C library function rand() has no arguments at all. Why rand(CHR/2) and rand(GENE) ? What's that special rand with argument? What's your problem with this obvious compiler message?

I dont understand why there are arguments with it. and they have to be random as they are randomly selected - the point of the program is there is a random element to almost everything being chosen.

what would you suggest i do to sort the problem?

basically here is my code...

Now I don't understand you. Are you an author of this code? If so who knows why you wrote rand(argument) instead of correct rand()?

so would the correct way to write it be rand()(8); ?

im just confused to how the brackets and such work with this particular instruction

Have you ever seen rand() function specification?
The C language standard: The rand function
1 #include <stdlib.h>
int rand(void);
2 The rand function computes a sequence of pseudo-random integers in the range 0 to RAND_MAX.
3 The implementation shall behave as if no library function calls the rand function.
4 The rand function returns a pseudo-random integer.
Environmental limits
5 The value of the RAND_MAX macro shall be at least 32767.

Sorry, I'm not a telepathist, I don't know what do you want to do with so strange constructs as rand()(8); ...

i just want it to choose a random number between 0 and 7 basically knowing the code for that would really help,

i am the author of that code, but there are parts that are taken from the lecturers code so that is why i dont understand it not working?

Here is a reference for rand() along with a simple example of its usage.

i just want it to choose a random number between 0 and 7 basically knowing the code for that would really help,

i am the author of that code, but there are parts that are taken from the lecturers code so that is why i dont understand it not working?

Use (rand()%N) expression to get numbers in range 0..N-1 or write a function (or define macros) to calculate this expression:

int Rand(int N) {
    return rand()%N;

Strictly speaking, not all pseudo-random numbers generators produce good quality sequence for this expression but I hope you may use it in your application.

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