Pitamite 0 Newbie Poster

i'm fairly new to visual basic and i'm working on a simple space shooter game. i need to make an array to hold the bullets and then set the location to the center of the ship. my question is, would it be a good idea to use individual picture boxes for each bullet as well as the ship? (that's what i'm currently doing) i've heard that picture boxes shouldn't be used much for game graphics. all i want the ship to do is rotate around the center in a fixed location and shoot. also, i've been messing around with arrays for a few days and i'm having trouble getting the ship to fire bullets. i am working in visual basic 5, here is some of the code

Const rotationRate=15 'rotation speed
Const PI=3.14159
Const fireDelay=200 'milliseconds per shot
Const bulletSpeed=4
Dim lngTmr as Long 'system timer since last frame
Dim lngDelay as Long
Dim sFacing as single 'current direction ship is facing
Dim sSpeed as single 'ship speed
Dim leftKey as Boolean 'rotate ship left
Dim rightKey as Boolean 'rotate ship right
Dim spaceKey as Boolean 'fire bullets
Dim maxBullets() 'array of bullets
Dim Asteroids() 'array of asteroids

Public Sub maxBullets()
dim x as integer
Image(x)=New Image(4)
For x=0 to maxBullets <4

i guess my main problem is with the array and figuring out how to put my bullet images from a file into the array and load them onto the form. any help would be greatly appreciated.