Hi All,

I have created a setup project for a WPF application using VS 2008.
Now if reinstall the same version again the default settings are not overwriting the user made settings.

Suppose my project while installation creates an xml file. The user can change that file. However if I reinstall it again the xml file should be replaced by the default one.

I believe there is some macro for this.
Can somebody help?


Your installer should overwrite the file, giving them the option of course to keep the old one if they are really sure they want to

Your installer should overwrite the file, giving them the option of course to keep the old one if they are really sure they want to

This is not happening. Currently the files are not getting overwritten. Please tell what change should i make in my setup project to get this feature???

I cant see your installer, it would need to deploy the file, and save it to the correct location. Only you can work out why that doesnt happen.

I am afraid but i guess you didn't understood my query. Let me frame that in a different way...

See I have created a Setup project which upon deployment creates certain "xml" files. Now when my application runs it changes those "xml" files.

Now when I run the same installer again it asks me for "Repair" option...on selecting that it doesn't changes the "xml" files since they were having a later TIMEStamp...i,e the installer is having old files so it didn't replace.

My requirement is that I want it to change those "xml" files everytime I select Repair option regardless of whether it was changed or not....

Hope to get a more appropriate response this time around:)

Yep, so whatever you use to make your installer should be told to always overwrite those files newer or not.

That's what I am asking how to tell my installer to overwrite those files....There should be some setting and I am unaware of that..Please let me know if u r familiar with it

I dont know what you use to make your installer with. Wise (the one I use) does.

I dont know what you use to make your installer with. Wise (the one I use) does.

He is using the installer capability built into visual studio

A fair assumption - but at no point has this been said.

I have created a setup project for a WPF application using VS 2008.

uh yeah he did, the installer functionality is called setup projects in visual studio, you add them to the solution

Fair enough, I dont use built in installers they are usually very primitive.

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