vuyiswamb 17 Posting Whiz

Good Morning All

I have a WebSetup Project and a Installer Class. I want to accept User

Database, Server,Username,Password and E-mail

This is what i did so far. I have created a Websetup Class installer that looks like this

namespace ClassLib
    public class ClassLib : Installer
        public override void Install(System.Collections.IDictionary stateSaver)

            // Retrieve configuration settings
            string targetSite = Context.Parameters["TargetSite"];
            string targetVDir = Context.Parameters["TargetVdir"];
            string targetDir = Context.Parameters["TargetDir"];

            if (targetSite.StartsWith("/LM/"))
                targetSite = targetSite.Substring(4);

            //adjust the web.config file.
            createConnectionString(targetSite, targetVDir, targetDir);
            //create ASP.Net 2 site...
            RegisterScriptMaps(targetSite, targetVDir);


        void RegisterScriptMaps(string targetSite, string targetVDir)
            // Calculate Windows path
            string sysRoot = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot");

            //get the latest .net framework directory
            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(sysRoot + "/Microsoft.NET/Framework");
            DirectoryInfo[] frameworkDir = di.GetDirectories("v2.0.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            int big = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < frameworkDir.Length; i++)
                int current = Convert.ToInt32(frameworkDir[i].Name.Substring(5));
                if (current > big)
                    big = current;

            string latestFramework = di.FullName + "\\v2.0." + big.ToString();

            // Launch aspnet_regiis.exe utility to configure mappings
            ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo();
            info.FileName = latestFramework + "\\aspnet_regiis.exe";
            info.Arguments = string.Format("-s {0}/ROOT/{1}", targetSite, targetVDir);
            info.CreateNoWindow = true;
            info.UseShellExecute = false;


        void writeEventLogs()
            //for debugging purposes write these values to eventlog.
            //EventLog.WriteEntry("o!Web Server", Context.Parameters["Server"]);
            //EventLog.WriteEntry("o!Web User", Context.Parameters["Username"]);
            //EventLog.WriteEntry("o!Web Password", Context.Parameters["Password"]);
            //EventLog.WriteEntry("o!Web Target Directory", Context.Parameters["TargetDir"]);
            //EventLog.WriteEntry("o!Web Target Site", Context.Parameters["TargetSite"]);
            //EventLog.WriteEntry("o!Web Virtual Directory", Context.Parameters["TargetVdir"]);

        void createConnectionString(string targetSite, string targetVDir, string targetDir)
            // Retrieve "Friendly Site Name" from IIS for TargetSite
            DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://LocalHost/" + targetSite);

            string friendlySiteName = entry.Properties["ServerComment"].Value.ToString();

            //set the connection timeout property
            entry.Properties["ConnectionTimeout"][0] = 1800;

            entry = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://LocalHost/" + targetSite + "/ROOT/" + targetVDir);
            entry.Properties["AspScriptTimeout"][0] = 1800;
            entry.Properties["AspSessionTimeout"][0] = 60;

            FileSecurity fSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(targetDir + "App_Data");
            //string DomainUserName = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\IUSR_" + Environment.MachineName;
            string LocalUserName = Environment.MachineName + "\\IUSR_" + Environment.MachineName;
            string LocalGroupName = Environment.MachineName + "\\IIS_WPG";
            // Add the FileSystemAccessRule to the security settings. 
                fSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(LocalGroupName, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
                fSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(LocalUserName, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
                //fSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(DomainUserName, FileSystemRights.Write, AccessControlType.Allow));
                // Set the new access settings.
                File.SetAccessControl(targetDir + "App_Data", fSecurity);

            // Open Application's Web.Config
            Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/" + targetVDir, friendlySiteName);

            config.AppSettings.Settings["installpath"].Value = targetDir.Substring(0, targetDir.Length - 1);
            config.AppSettings.Settings["DBuser"].Value = login();
            config.AppSettings.Settings["adminEmail"].Value = Context.Parameters["adminEmail"];
            config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings["DBConnectionString"].ConnectionString = connectionString("oDirectv3");
            config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings["oDirectConnectionString"].ConnectionString = connectionString("oDirectv3");
            ((CompilationSection)config.GetSection("system.web/compilation")).Debug = false;

            //save web.config

        string connectionString(string db)
            string server = string.Empty;
            if (Context.Parameters["Server"] != string.Empty)
                server += "Data Source=" + Context.Parameters["Server"] + ";Initial Catalog=" + db + ";Persist Security Info=True;" + login();

            return server;

        string login()
            //User ID=o;Password=abacus
            string login = string.Empty;
            if ((Context.Parameters["Username"] != string.Empty) && (Context.Parameters["Password"] != string.Empty))
                login += "User ID=" + Context.Parameters["Username"] + ";Password=" + Context.Parameters["Password"];

            return login;

        public override void Uninstall(IDictionary savedState)

        public override void Commit(IDictionary savedState)

        public override void Rollback(IDictionary savedState)

After that i went to the user interface and added a "Textboxes(A)" and the Properties are like this

EDITA1 = Database Server:
EDITA2 = Username:
EDITA3 = Password:
EDITA4 = System Administrator Email Address:

After here i have created the output(Primary) for the Class Project and for my Website its contents and moved them to the bin Directory.

After that i have created a Cumstom action and i went to the install and Add the Project that is in the bin Derectory and went to the Properties of the Custom Action for install and Added the Following in the "Custom Action Data" Property.

/installpath ="[ EDITA1]\" / DBuser ="[ EDITA2]" /password="[ EDITA3]" / adminEmail ="[ EDITA4]"

Well am not sure about what i have wrote here , your help will be apreciated. After i have done that i have build my setup Project and it came back with no Errors or warning and i tried to install the setup and i filled in the server,username,password and e-mail and after that it continues to install and at the end it gives an Error

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

What is it that am Doing wrong ?

Thank you

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