Hi I am writing a address book program that is giving a run time error. Please if someone can compile and check this error, and then explain/ show me how can I resolve it. I am pasting my code in parts here as well as attaching the files.
Also please someone explain me, how can I print the user input address in the main(). I mean what should my argument be for the print_add() when I call it in main().
I really appreciate your help.
/**********Header file*****************/
#ifndef addressType_H
using namespace std;
class addressType
string St_address;
string city, state;
int Zip;
string print_add(string, string, string, int);
void get_add();
void set_add(string, string, string, int);
/***********************Implementation section*********/
#include "addressType.h"
using namespace std;
St_address = "9803 Summer Breeze Dr.";
city = "Pearland";
state = "Tx";
Zip = 77584;
void addressType::get_add()
cout<<"Enter your street address."<<endl;
cin>> St_address;
cout<<"Enter your city."<<endl;
cin>> city;
cout<<"Enter your state."<<endl;
cin>> state;
cout<<"Enter your zip code."<<endl;
cin>> Zip;
set_add(St_address, city, state, Zip);
return ;
void addressType::set_add(string street, string cit, string st, int zip)
St_address = street;
city = cit;
state = st;
Zip = zip;
print_add(St_address, city, state, Zip);
string addressType::print_add(string str, string Cit, string St, int Z)
cout<<"Address: "<<endl;
cout<< Cit <<","<<St<<endl;
cout<<"Zip: "<<Z<<endl;
return 0;
/**************Test program********************/
// Address Directory.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// add_Book.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "addressType.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
addressType Avi;
Avi.print_add("9803 Summer Breeze", "Pearland", "Tx", 77584);
return 0;