1. Write a C program to convert a given infix expression to postfix form using stacks
2. Write a C program to evaluate the postfix expression using stacks

Daniweb isn't a program spewing machine that you can command.

1. Write a C program to convert a given infix expression to postfix form using stacks
2. Write a C program to evaluate the postfix expression using stacks


More assignments for daniweb!!! :D

1. Write a C program to convert a given infix expression to postfix form using stacks
2. Write a C program to evaluate the postfix expression using stacks

I'm sorry, but we won't do your homework for you. If we did, what would you learn? Besides we all have better things to do.

evaluate preorder and inorder traversal of a binary search tree in non recursive way

Rather than asking others to do the assignment, a little bit of research would go a long way.

Read and understand.

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