Ok I have everything pretty much working except for one small detail. When I do inpatient I need to display the room charges as well as the medication and labs and services. It only displays the medication and labs and services charges but in the total includes the room charges, but is not showing them.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
char getChoice();
double patientCharges(int, double, double, double); // In-patient
double patientCharges(double, double); // Out-patient
int main()
char patientType; // I=in-patient, O=out-patient
int days; // Number of days of hospital stay
double roomRate, // Daily room rate
medication, // Total medication charges
services, // Total for tests and other services
totalCharges; // Total of all charges
// Input and validate patient type
cout << "This program will compute patient hospital charges.\n";
cout << "Enter I for in-patient or O for out-patient: ";
//Process the menu selection
switch (patientType)
case 'I':
case 'i': cout << "The number of days spent in the hospital: ";
cin >> days;
cout << "The daily rate: ";
cin >> roomRate;
cout << "Charges for hospital service: ";
cin >> services;
cout << "Hospital medicaion charges; ";
cin >> medication;
cout << patientCharges (days, roomRate, services, medication) << endl;
totalCharges=(days*roomRate) + services + medication;
case 'O':
case 'o': cout << "Charges for hospital services: ";
cin >> services;
cout << "Hospital medication charges: ";
cin >> medication;
cout << patientCharges (services, medication) << endl;
totalCharges= services + medication;
// Display the billing statment
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << endl << endl;
cout << "******************************\n";
if (patientType == 'I' && patientType == 'i')
cout << "Room charges $" << setw(8) << days*roomRate << endl;
if (services > 0.0)
cout << "Lab & Services $" << setw(8) << services << endl;
if (medication > 0.0)
cout << "Medication $" << setw(8) << medication << endl;
cout << "Total charges $" << setw(8) << totalCharges << endl;
cout << "******************************\n";
return 0;
}// End of main function
// Definition of function getChoice *
// Accepts and returns user's validated menu choice. *
char getChoice()
char letter; // Holds user's letter choice
// Get the user's choice
cin >> letter;
// Validate the choice
while (letter != 'I' && letter != 'i'
&& letter != 'O' && letter != 'o')
cout << "Enter I or O: ";
cin >> letter;
// Return the choice
return letter;
* patientCharge *
* This function is called by main to calculate and return *
* total patient charges for in-patients *
double patientCharges(int days, double rate, double med, double serv)
return (days*rate) + med + serv;
}// end overload function patientCharges
* patientCharge *
* This function is called by main to calculate and return *
* total patient charges for out-patients *
double patientCharges(double med, double serv)
return med + serv;
}// end overload function patientCharges