i have balckjack code, which does not run, i need some ones help, with tellings, wht the problem is. i have higlighted part of the code,were it stops.
below is the code.
from random import choice as rc
def total(hand):
# aces in the hand
aces = hand.count(11)
# Aces count as 1 or 11
# here is while loopwhich will ort it out for you
t = sum(hand)
# you have gone over 21 but there is an ace
if t > 21 and aces > 0:
while aces > 0 and t > 21:
# it will now switch the ace from 11 to 1
t -= 10
aces -= 1
return t
#assume blackjack has the following values
cards = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11]
# there are 4 suits per deck and usually several decks
# this way you can assume the cards list to be an unlimited pool
cwin = 0 # computer win counter
pwin = 0 # player win counter
while True:
player = []
# draw 2 cards for the player to start
pbust = False # player busted flag
cbust = False # computer busted flag
while True:
# loop for the player's play ...
tp = total(player)
print "The player has these cards %s with a total value of %d" % (player, tp)
if tp > 21:
print "--> The player is busted!"
pbust = True
elif tp == 21:
print "\a BLACKJACK!!!"
Hs = raw_input("Hit or Stick (h or s): ").lower()
if 'h' in hs:
while True:
# loop for the computer's play ...
comp = []
[B] comp.append(rc(cards))
comp.append(rc(cards))[/B] # dealer generally stands around 17 or 18
while True:
tc = total(comp)
if tc < 18:
print "the computer has %s for a total of %d" % (comp, tc)
# now figure out who won ...
if tc > 21:
print "--> The computer is busted!"
cbust = True
if pbust == False:
print "The player wins!"
pwin += 1
elif tc > tp:
print "The computer wins!"
cwin += 1
elif tc == tp:
print "It's a draw!"
elif tp > tc:
if pbust == False:
print "The player wins!"
pwin += 1
elif cbust == False:
print "The computer wins!"
cwin += 1
print "Wins, player = %d computer = %d" % (pwin, cwin)
exit = raw_input("Press Enter (q to quit): ").lower()
if 'q' in exit:
print "Thanks for playing blackjack with the computer!"