I've been experimenting with GDI+ and i managed to draw 2 PNG in a button button.

1 for the normal state
and one for the Clicked (down state)

but when i click the button,the down state image gets draw on top of the normal state, and when i release the button,the normal state image gets drawn on top of the down state.

I don't want this,I want to when the button is in the down state,erase the normal state png and draw the new Down state png and so forth with the normal state.

i made an example so you have a basic idea of what i mean.

this is the dialog with the button un clicked.


and this is what happends when i click the button (Down state)
Note that the check mark png draws on top of the logo,you can still see part of the logo.


And this is what happends when i release the button (normal state again)
note that the logo gets drawn on top of the check mark png.


But if i drag the dialog off screen,the dialog redraws and the back png gets erased.

How can i erase the back png without having to move the dialog off screen?

Here's the part of the code where the button gets drawn with the png.

Note: "MyButton" is a derived class from CButton.

void MyButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
    Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusstartupinput;

    // TODO:  Add your code to draw the specified item
    CDC dc;
    CRect rt;
    rt = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;

	Graphics grpx(dc);

	Rect rect(0,0,90,90);//size of image

	Image * Img = Image::FromFile(L"C:\\11.png",FALSE);//Downstate Image

	Image * Img2 = Image::FromFile(L"C:\\10.png",FALSE);//Upstate Image

	UINT state = lpDrawItemStruct->itemState; //Get state of the button
  if ( (state & ODS_SELECTED) )            // If it is pressed
        grpx.DrawImage(Img,rect);//Downstate Image

        grpx.DrawImage(Img2,rect);//Upstate Image


BOOL MyButton::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) //erase the BG so it's transparent and not grey
	// Erase the BG of the CButton
	return TRUE;

I only have one image, twice the size of the button, with two states/pictures in the image, and css position it up for the up and down for the down.
Never learned to erase either {:(

I only have one image, twice the size of the button, with two states/pictures in the image, and css position it up for the up and down for the down.
Never learned to erase either {:(

I heard you can't erase but redraw,but i don't know how to redraw the whole window.

I heard you can't erase but redraw,but i don't know how to redraw the whole window.

this->Refresh(); ?

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