When building classes I thought if I just added an enum to the parameter list it would pop up the list of the enums, sort of like intellisence.. But I clearly am missing something..
public enum eFullWeekDays
Sunday = 1,
Monday = 2,
Tuesday = 3,
Wednesday = 4,
Thursday = 5,
Friday = 6,
Saturday = 7,
public DateTime PrevDayofWeek(DateTime datepassed, eFullWeekDays FullWeekDay,bool subtractWeekIfPassCorrectDay)
Only has the intellisense if I do the following
dteNewDate = GenDates.PrevDayofWeek(testdate, (GeneralDates.eFullWeekDays)intWKDay, boolIFCorrectDay);
dteNewDate = GenDates.PrevDayofWeek(testdate, GeneralDates.eFullWeekDays.Thursday, boolIFCorrectDay);
Anyway to get it to pop up the weekday list without the prefix of GeneralDates.efullweekdays????