I've been coding C++ for a while now, and in that time I've of course surfed the web a fair bit. Is it just me, or does everybody on the internet just hate conio.h's _getch()?
I've seen a lot of forums where people are asking the best way to pause a program, and a lot of people absolutely refuse to use _getch(), or getch(). So, for that reason, I've come up with a list of reasons why I think _getch is an extremely useful function, and deserves to be used much more often.
1. _getch() does not echo the text as it is entered in like other popular functions (such as std::cin.get()). This, despite public opinion is actually an extremely important feature, in that it allows the program to substitute in any other output it wants. How else would one, for example, create a function that allows the user to input a password, where instead of their password appearing on screen, asterisks (*) do?
2. _getch() returns a char, so it can therefore be embedded right into conditions, like this:
if(_getch()==' ')
3._getch() does not require [return] to be pressed at the end. Again, another extremely useful function. If the program comes to a point where there is a lot of text on the screen, an output such as "Press Any Key to Continue" may be necessary; to me it just looks silly to have whatever garbage they input collect on the screen until the user presses [return] - especially when this could be avoided by simply using _getch().
4._getch() is a very quick and low rent function (this in particular is a shot at the somewhat popular system("pause")). _getch() doesn't require abundant amounts of CPU to execute, nor does it require interaction with the OS which makes it far more portable. Also, unlike system("pause"), _getch() is adaptable, meaning you can output any message you choose, unlike system("pause").
5. _getch() only locks the thread from which it is called. Now to beginner programmers, that doesn't really mean anything, but to multi-threaded programmers, it represents a world of possibilities wherein one thread can sit with the express purpose of monitoring key strokes, possibly waiting for a specific key to be pressed.
So, as far as I'm concerned _getch() is the only way to go when you want to pause a program, or when you want single-key non-echoed input.
Regardless, there seems to be a lot of haters out there on the internet, so if you guys can see any legitimate reason not to use _getch() please tell me.