' Name : SP Management Utlility
' Author : Prem Dhanendran
'Create an instance of the File System object
dim objfile, navfile
set objfile = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if isobject(objfile) then
set navfile = objfile.opentextfile("L:\OTAI\Package\sp.txt")
end if
'Read the Config file sp.txt on L: Drive line by line to determine the highest SP available to install
while not navfile.atendofline
nav = navfile.readline
nav1 = Right(nav,13)
nav2 = Mid(nav1,1,1)
'Wscript.Echo "nav2 is " & nav2
'To determine if the SP Number is above 100
if nav2 = "S" then
nav3 = Mid(nav1,3,3)
'Wscript.Echo"Over 100 SP " & nav3
if nav2 = "\" then
'To determine if the SP Number is below 100
nav3 = Mid(nav1,4,2)
'Wscript.Echo"under 100 SP " & nav3
end if
end if
'Determined the Highest SP number available to install at this point
Wscript.Echo"Highest SP Num is " & nav3
'Create an instance of the Scripting Shell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Delete reference files from previous installations of the SP
'WshShell.run "cmd /c ""del c:\OTAI\servicepack\sp.txt /f",0,True
'WshShell.run "cmd /c ""del c:\OTAI\sp.txt /f",0,True
'Create reference file on the program files folder to determine the current SP on Local Machine
WshShell.run "cmd /c ""del c:\PROGRA~1\OTAI\mysp.txt",0,True
WshShell.run "cmd /c ""dir c:\PROGRA~1\OTAI\SP*_inc.bat /b /od>c:\PROGRA~1\OTAI\mysp.txt",0,True
'Create a second instance of the File System object
dim objfile1, navfile1
set objfile1 = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Read the Config file mysp.txt on C: Drive line by line to determine the highest SP on the Local Machine
if isobject(objfile1) then
set navfile1 = objfile1.opentextfile("c:\PROGRA~1\OTAI\mysp.txt")
set navfile2 = objfile1.Getfile("C:\PROGRA~1\OTAI\mysp.txt")
end if
If navfile2.size > 0 then
while not navfile1.atendofline
nav = navfile1.readline
'wscript.echo "Nav is " & nav
nav4 = Right(nav,13)
nav5 = Mid(nav4,1,1)
nav8 = len(nav)
'To determine if the SP Number is above 100
if nav8 = 13 then
nav6 = Mid(nav4,3,3)
'Wscript.Echo"Over 100 SP " & nav6
if nav8 = 11 then
nav6 = Mid(nav,3,1)
'Wscript.Echo"Under 10 SP " & nav6
'To determine if the SP Number is below 100
if nav8 = 12 then
nav6 = Mid(nav,3,2)
'Wscript.Echo"under 100 SP " & nav6
end if
end if
end if
else nav6 = 0
end if
'Determined the Highest SP number on Local Machine at this point
Wscript.Echo"Latest SP on user's PC is " & nav6
'wscript.echo "Nav3 is " & nav3
'Compute the difference between the highest SP available and latest SP on Local Machine
n = nav3 - nav6
'wscript.echo " N is " & n
'Message for user if PC already Up-to-Date
if n <= 0 then
wscript.echo"Your PC is already Up-to-date"
end if
'***-----------------------------------Alternate method if you want to read latest SP from Registry--------------------------***
'Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
'strComputer = "."
'Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
'strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
'strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\OTAI\ErrorHandler"
'strValueName = "Service Pack No."
'oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
'Wscript.Echo "Current SP Number is " & strValue
'n = nav3 - strvalue
strvalueincr = nav6 + 1
'Run the Actual batch files for updating the remaining SPs one by one automatically by going through the loop n times
'For I = 1 to n
' strSP = "SP"& strValueincr &"_inc.bat"
' strSp0 = "SP0"& strValueincr &"_inc.bat"
' strSp00 = "SP00"& strValueincr &"_inc.bat"
' dim WshShell, oExec
' set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' 'Run the SP from Cmd prompt
' WshShell.run "cmd /c ""dir L:\OTAI\Package\"& strSP &" /s /b >>C:\OTAI\sp.txt +h",0,True
' WshShell.run "cmd /c ""dir L:\OTAI\Package\"& strSP0 &" /s /b >>C:\OTAI\sp.txt +h",0,True
' WshShell.run "cmd /c ""dir L:\OTAI\Package\"& strSP00 &" /s /b >>C:\OTAI\sp.txt +h",0,True
' strvalueincr = strvalueincr + 1
'Error Handling incase of Local machine having the latest SP already, since n will be zero.
if objfile.FileExists("L:\OTAI\Package\sp.txt") then
if isobject(objfile) then
set navfile = objfile.opentextfile("L:\OTAI\Package\sp.txt")
For I = 1 to nav6
while not navfile.atendofline
nav7 = navfile.readline
'msgbox ("Line is") & nav7
WshShell.run "cmd /c """&nav7&"",1,True
'Confirmation Message to User
Wscript.Echo"OTAI Service packs updated to " & nav3
end if
'Confirmation Message to User
Wscript.Echo"Thank you"
end if