That's the program I'm trying to wrote:
.model small
.stack 100h
x dw 2
array db 100 dup(?)
even db 0
unread db 0
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov CX,len
mov SI,0
mov ah,08h ;inputs a digit into al
int 21h
cmp al,27 ;is it esc?
je m7 ;go to m7!
cmp al,13 ;is it enter?
je m7
cmp al,'0' ;is it 0? if so, go to m2
je m2
cmp al,'1' ;s it 1? if so, go to m2
je m2
cmp al,'2' ;etc...
je m2
cmp al,'3'
je m2
cmp al,'4'
je m2
cmp al,'5'
je m2
cmp al,'6'
je m2
cmp al,'7'
je m2
cmp al,'8'
je m2
cmp al,'9'
je m2
jmp m1 ;if it's not esc, enter or digit then it's gotta be letter or contor symbol
m2: ;this print inputed digit
mov dl,al
mov ah,02h
int 21h
mov [SI+array],dl ;write's the digit from dl into the array
add SI,2 ;go to the array's next element
jmp m1 ;get's back to input another digit
mov si,0
mov dl,[SI+array] ;read's a element from the array
mov ax,x ;make's ax 2
div dl ;divide's the element to 2 [icode]The problem is around here somwehre here![/icode]
cmp ah,0 ;if the remainder is zero, then the digit is even
inc even ;incerase even (stores the number of even digits)
inc unread ;else incerase unread (i'm not sure about this but I can fix it later, this is not what's causе the problem)
inc si ;incerase source index
loop m8 ;loop 'till reach the end of the array - len
jmp the_end
mov dl,even ;trying to print the number of the even digits (not sure it will work)
mov ah,02h
int 21h
mov ah,4ch ;return to operating system
int 21h
The point is to enter only digits and then to write them down to an array. Then I have to print the number of even and unread digits.
But I don't want help on this.
I just want to know why give's me the error "Divide overflow".
I start the program, write some digits and when I hit "enter" or "Esc" I get "Divide overflow".
The problem is somewere here
mov ax,x
div dl
I knew it!
Any help? Thanks!
(btw sorry for my crappy english, I'm from mars :)