hi guyzz... is their a third party software were can i install/register all the vb dll files need in my visual basic project.

im having hard time in my installer setup. im using setup factory. and before im making the setup up factory wizard, im using the Package & Deployment Wizard of vb.

i have a lot of error. including the auto complete in combo box.

when im in my computer the autofill of data working fine, but in other computer i have a problem in auto complete. (dll files not included in vb.)

i thinking that if there is a third party software for all the list of vb dll, that can i download.

any one can help me.

thxx in advance

hi guyzz... is their a third party software were can i install/register all the vb dll files need in my visual basic project.

im having hard time in my installer setup. im using setup factory. and before im making the setup up factory wizard, im using the Package & Deployment Wizard of vb.

i have a lot of error. including the auto complete in combo box.

when im in my computer the autofill of data working fine, but in other computer i have a problem in auto complete. (dll files not included in vb.)

i thinking that if there is a third party software for all the list of vb dll, that can i download.

any one can help me.

thxx in advance

What Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version does your program use? If you're using the 3.51 version of the Microsoft DAO library, then on an XP machine you have to install the MDAC_TYP.exe file, the 2.0 version. It's kind of hard to tell what your problem is, if you don't give the exact error message that pops up the machine that does not work.

hi ... im using the microsoft form 2.0 component for my combo box.

i loadded the data in my combo box with 2 column.
using the listindex of each Combo box i got auto complete searching,

here my code.

===combobox1(event change)===
if cbo1.listindex <> -1 then cbo2.text = cbo1.list(cbo1.listindex,1)

===combobox2(event change)===
if cbo2.listindex <> -1 then cbo1.text = cbo2.list(cbo2.listindex,1)

in my computer it works perfect.. and also in other installed computer. but their some cases out of 5 installed computer 1 to 2 computer did not work fine.

any follow ups for this ...

The combo box is an intrinsic control. That means you don't have to specifically register any extra controls when you install the program.

The Package and Deployment Wizard should work fine. The installer it creates for your program self registers the controls it needs--which is not the current preferred method--but for the older VB6 programs, you sometimes have to self register the libraries, controls, etc. that you need to run the program anyway. You should run the installer created by the Package and Deployment Wizard on each machine you wish to use. It should register every component on each machine that you use.

If you want to use a more up to date installer, you can try the Microsoft Installer version 1.0 which is available as a free download from Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/DOWNLOADS/details.aspx?FamilyID=105dfc41-801e-4441-aa75-7696d794f109&displaylang=en

But this involves somewhat of a learning curve. It's a nicer installer. It's database centered instead of script centered as in the Package and Deployment Wizard.

But really I need you to answer some questions: Are you connecting to a database (like Access) in this program? I suspect your problems stem from not having the proper database components registered.

hi im using mysql...

in making installer... i setup all the ocx and dll to be install to the system32 folder. is their any conflict/problem to my project that not installed in application path?

1. how can i know the exact destination of each dll to be installed.
2. what folder "WinSysPathSysFile"

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